Interpreting Pregnancy Signs Correctly

Signs of pregnancy: When do they start to appear?

Pregnancy: first signs

Pregnancy: symptoms in the nose and mouth

If you suddenly become sensitive to smells and can no longer smell things that you have always found pleasant or at least not annoying, this can also be a sign of pregnancy. For example, some pregnant women can no longer stand the smell of freshly made coffee, or the aroma of alcohol or cheese, or the smell of raw meat.

Common pregnancy sign: Cravings

Nausea and vomiting as unpleasant symptoms

Pregnancy unfortunately also brings morning sickness and possibly vomiting in 50 to 70 percent of all women. The hormonal change with the pregnancy hormone beta-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is responsible for this. It starts immediately after fertilization to adapt the body to the requirements of pregnancy.

Frequent urination

Pregnancy: symptoms in the psychological sphere

Have you been highly sensitive lately to everything that is going on around you, to every supposedly wrong word? Are you sometimes depressed and sad, but then again full of elation? Such mental roller coaster rides are the first signs for many expectant mothers. Pregnancy upsets a lot of things in the body and psyche.

Other possible pregnancy signs

Varicose veins and dilated vessels in the face, nail bed and genital area may also signal: You are pregnant! Signs of this type are based on the increased blood flow and a decrease in vascular tension.

As another possible pregnancy sign, the pulse becomes strong and clearly noticeable to the fingertips.

Signs of pregnancy? Test and doctor bring certainty