Hot flashes during pregnancy

Introduction Hot flushes during pregnancy are sudden outbreaks of sweating. This leads to strong feelings of heat, sometimes without a specific trigger. These hot flushes often occur during pregnancy, but can also occur during the nursing period. The hot flushes during pregnancy are unpleasant for most people, but they are not dangerous for the unborn … Hot flashes during pregnancy

What are the accompanying symptoms of hot flashes? | Hot flashes during pregnancy

What are the accompanying symptoms of hot flashes? Hot flushes are usually characterized by a sudden feeling of heat. This often leads to increased blood circulation in the skin, which can become reddish, occasionally reddish in color. In addition, the body tries to cool down by sweating heavily. Sweating usually occurs mainly in the area … What are the accompanying symptoms of hot flashes? | Hot flashes during pregnancy

Duration of hot flashes during pregnancy | Hot flashes during pregnancy

Duration of hot flashes during pregnancy Hot flushes during pregnancy usually last only for a short time. However, they can occur very often during the day. Especially in the warm summer months, the feeling of heat is constantly present in pregnant women, so the hot flushes can occur even more frequently than in cooler seasons. … Duration of hot flashes during pregnancy | Hot flashes during pregnancy

Could that be a sign of pregnancy? | Burning pain in the abdomen

Could that be a sign of pregnancy? Some women report so-called implantation pain when the embryo implants itself in the lining of the uterus on day seven after fertilisation. The implantation pain is described as a burning pull in the abdomen, which is why this pain can also be a sign of pregnancy. However, there … Could that be a sign of pregnancy? | Burning pain in the abdomen

Early Pregnancy

Introduction One speaks of an early pregnancy if a woman is in the first 3 months of her pregnancy. In total, a pregnancy lasts about 9 months. The period of pregnancy is divided into so-called trimesters. The first trimester (1st trimester) refers to the first three months of pregnancy, i.e. early pregnancy. The next three … Early Pregnancy

Flatulence during early pregnancy | Early Pregnancy

Flatulence during early pregnancy The first 3 months of a pregnancy, also called early pregnancy, are often accompanied by various symptoms for the patient. Some patients suffer from flatulence during early pregnancy. This early pregnancy flatulence can have various causes. Often it is connected with the fact that the new hormone constellation in her body, … Flatulence during early pregnancy | Early Pregnancy

Abdominal pain during early pregnancy | Early Pregnancy

Abdominal pain during early pregnancy During early pregnancy, many women suffer from various symptoms, which are due to the fact that the body of the pregnant woman still has to get used to the baby that is now growing in her belly. Many women suffer from abdominal pain during early pregnancy. These usually occur in … Abdominal pain during early pregnancy | Early Pregnancy

Can this be a sign of pregnancy? | Hip pain during pregnancy

Can this be a sign of pregnancy? Yes, pelvic pain can be a potential sign of pregnancy. It is of course questionable what the person in question understands by hip pain. Pain that often occurs during pregnancy and that originates near the hip would be symphysis stretching, for example. In other words, a loosening of … Can this be a sign of pregnancy? | Hip pain during pregnancy