Iodine: Function & Diseases

Iodine, sometimes also referred to as iodine, is a so-called trace element. This cannot be produced by the body itself and must therefore be ingested with food.

Mode of action of iodine (iodine)

A blood test of iodine levels is used by doctors to further diagnose various diseases.

The daily requirement of iodine (iodine) of an adult is about 200 micrograms. Children up to the age of 13 need correspondingly less.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, in turn, should consume between 230 and 260 micrograms of iodine per day. In older people, on the other hand, the iodine requirement drops again somewhat.

Iodine deficiency is a worldwide problem. Although Germany is also considered an iodine deficiency area, as far as the soil is concerned – it is nevertheless possible to eat a balanced diet here thanks to iodized salt.


The trace element iodine is of outstanding importance for the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism, for example, and also thyroid cancer are specifically treated with iodine.

A lack of iodine, on the other hand, can lead to a dangerous enlargement of the thyroid gland – this is also known as goiter. The importance of iodine for the thyroid gland is so enormous because iodine is a component of thyroid hormones – about 70 to 80 percent of the iodine ingested is consumed in the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones, in turn, are essentially responsible for growth and cell division.

Pregnant women in particular should make sure that their bodies have a sufficient supply of the trace element iodine, because an iodine deficiency can cause malformations of the embryo. For this reason, children should also consume a particularly large amount of iodine, because an adequate supply is crucial, especially during the growth phase. Physical and mental underdevelopment could be the bad consequence of an iodine deficiency in childhood.

An iodine deficiency usually only becomes noticeable at an advanced stage. Typical symptoms then are fatigue, lack of drive and concentration problems. The skin can look tired, pale and doughy because of increased fluid deposits in the subcutaneous tissue. The voice can also be affected by iodine deficiency: in many cases it becomes hoarse and rough.

Iodine deficiency in Germany has, however, become much rarer in recent years, since iodized salt is increasingly being used as a seasoning.

An overdose of iodine can hardly happen; only those who suffer from hyperthyroidism should refrain from taking too much iodine. Iodine tablets, on the other hand, are hardly harmful to the body, although unnecessary. Only in the case of a significant overdose (for example, if one milligram of iodine is ingested per day), discomfort in the stomach and intestinal area as well as skin rashes may occur. Pain and burning as well as a metallic taste in the mouth are then also not uncommon.

Occurrence in food

Sea fish and sea animals are particularly rich in iodine, but iodine is also found in iodized table salt and mineral water in more or less large quantities. Even eggs and milk contain not insignificant amounts of iodine.

The fish species with the highest iodine content are haddock, pollock and plaice. Fish, as the largest source of iodine, should therefore be on the menu at least once a week.

With a balanced and healthy diet, an iodine deficiency is actually hardly possible nowadays.

It is not necessary to take iodine supplements, but they may be prescribed for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Women with an unfulfilled desire to have children can also resort to iodine supplements.