Middle Ear Infection: Which Home Remedies Work?

What home remedies help with a middle ear infection?

Various medications are used to treat otitis media. However, many people also use home remedies for otitis media. The best-known home remedies for middle ear infections include ear compresses with onions or camomile flowers, as these plants contain anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Heat applications are just as popular – and sometimes cold applications too.

Do onions help with middle ear infections?

Onions are rich in health-promoting ingredients. Which of these help with middle ear infections? The main active ingredients in onions are sulphur-containing compounds such as allicin. This substance inhibits inflammation and is effective against bacteria. Other ingredients – such as essential oils – also support the use of onions as a home remedy for middle ear infections.

Onion pouches for middle ear infections

Warm onion pouches are a well-known household remedy for middle ear infections. They increase blood circulation in the ear and relieve pain. In addition, the antibacterial ingredients in onions may speed up the healing of a middle ear infection.

How to use onion pouches:

  • Peel an onion, cut it into small pieces and wrap the onion pieces in a cloth.
  • If the packet is too damp, wring it out – but be careful not to burn yourself!
  • Place the packet on your ear and secure it with a cap or cloth.

You can read more about the correct application and effect in the article Onion pouches.

Camomile flowers have a similar effect. If you don’t like the pungent smell of onions, prepare the sachet with chamomile flowers.

Does heat help with a middle ear infection?

Heat is a tried and tested remedy for many chronic inflammations, but also for acute infections in the body. Try out whether you find the heat treatments pleasant.

Red light for middle ear inflammation

The use of infrared light for middle ear infections increases blood circulation in the ear. This in turn improves the metabolism and thus supports the healing process. Many patients therefore find the red light treatment pleasant. The heat also liquefies ear secretions that have formed as a result of the middle ear infection and promotes their drainage.

Infrared rays can damage the eyes – even if the eyelids are closed. Therefore, keep a sufficient safety distance (30 to 50 centimeters, see instructions for use), especially when using in the facial area. Put on suitable safety goggles and close your eyes and relax.

Hot water bottle and grain pillow

Fill the hot water bottle with warm (not boiling) water or heat the cushion according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then place the bottle or pillow on the ear. Allow the heat to work for as long as it is comfortable.

Persons with a neurological or cardiovascular disease should consult a doctor before applying heat as a precaution. Only apply the heat for as long as it is comfortable.

If you find heat uncomfortable, try applying cold to your ear, for example with a moist compress or a cool grain pad. Some patients also find this beneficial for middle ear infections.

Decongestant home remedies

Decongestants are usually used for a blocked nose or inflamed sinuses. In the case of a middle ear infection with earache, they can help to relieve the pressure from the inflamed ear.

Saline nose drops

Saline nasal drops clear a blocked nose with a cold. This reduces the pressure in the ear and thus counteracts earache. This is because the ear is connected to the nasopharynx via the so-called Eustachian tube. If the nasal mucous membranes swell, the tube opens more easily. The secretion flows out of the ear – which alleviates the discomfort.

Inhalation with water vapor

Inhalation with steam also has a decongestant and mucolytic effect. This may reduce the symptoms of a middle ear infection. To do this, cover your head with a cloth and hold it over a bowl of hot water. Breathe in the hot steam for a few minutes. Additives such as essential oils or salt support the effect.

You can read more about this in the article Inhalation.

Tea for middle ear infections

What else helps with middle ear infections? Many people rely on medicinal plant teas to relieve the pain of inflammation. Suitable medicinal plants include

  • Camomile: The tea has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Meadowsweet: This rose plant is considered a natural painkiller.
  • Willow bark: Prepared as a tea, this medicinal plant has a pain-relieving effect and combats high temperatures.

You can find out exactly how to prepare the teas in the corresponding medicinal plant articles.

Does olive oil work for middle ear infections?

If you search the internet for “home remedies for middle ear infections”, you will occasionally find the tip to drip slightly warmed olive oil into the affected ear. This is not advisable.

If the eardrum is damaged, this can make the symptoms worse. In addition, germs can enter the ear with the oil.

Middle ear infection: Which home remedies are suitable for children?

If you use a grain pillow or hot water bottle, make sure that the home remedy is not too hot for the child. Always test the temperature on the back of your own hand or ear first. It is best to wrap the remedy in a gauze cloth, for example.

The red light lamp is also an alternative for children. However, special care must be taken here to protect children’s eyes. This is because small children rarely keep still even when they are ill.

What else can I do if I have a middle ear infection?

As with all acute infections, it is advisable to take it easy and drink enough if you have a middle ear infection. Try to drink at least two liters a day, preferably water or tea. Why not use the boiled chamomile tea with the tea bag you put on your ear?

If you have to take antibiotics because of the middle ear infection, this can change your intestinal flora. Home remedies such as probiotic yogurt support the natural intestinal flora.

Home remedies have their limits. If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time and do not improve or even get worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.