70 Plus: Healthy Nutrition in Old Age

In old age, serious changes in living conditions occur in many people. Numerous older people suffer from the increasing limitations in performance. What used to go easily from the hand, can suddenly only be done with great effort. In order to remain nevertheless with forces and as long as possible independently and independently, a healthy nutrition is of great importance.

Caution with weight loss.

While obesity is a very common problem in middle age, underweight and malnutrition are more common in old age. With increasing age and due to various diseases, problems with eating or eating occur more frequently. If the diet is too one-sided or the energy intake is below 1500 kcal per day, it is usually not ensured that all nutrients are absorbed in sufficient quantities. The result is that too few vital nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals are absorbed. The body has to draw on its reserves and weight decreases. If diseases occur, the organism has little to counter them with. Since it is very difficult, especially in old age, to make up for a loss of weight, countermeasures should be taken at an early stage. If you lose weight within a few weeks and feel constantly weak, tired and listless, this should be taken very seriously. Be sure to discuss this problem with your primary care physician.

Proper selection and preparation matter

Although very elderly people need less energy overall, the need for vital nutrients remains, and some nutrients are even needed in higher quantities. The right choice of food is therefore particularly important at this age. Preference should be given to foods that have a high nutrient density. These include:

  • Vegetables, fruits,
  • Whole grain cereals,
  • Dairy products, low-fat meat,
  • Fish, poultry, eggs,
  • Legumes and
  • Vegetable oils.

But also the preparation and presentation of food should not be neglected. Because in old age, difficulties can arise increasingly when eating such as problems with chewing and swallowing or loss of appetite.

When food no longer tastes the same

People of advanced age complain more frequently about loss of appetite. There are a variety of reasons for this. The perception of taste decreases significantly with age, as the number of taste buds is reduced. The taste qualities sweet and salty are particularly affected. The sense of smell also diminishes. The olfactory perception threshold in an old person is up to 12 times higher than in young adults. Since the taste and smell of food are largely responsible for the enjoyment of the meal, these limitations have a significant effect on appetite. Try to stimulate your sense of taste and smell when preparing food.

  • Season the food vigorously.
  • Do not just reach for the salt shaker, but use fresh herbs, curry, garlic, nutmeg, etc.. The intense aroma of spices additionally stimulates the appetite.
  • Arrange the food appetizing, because the eye also eats.
  • Note that some medications can affect the appetite. Discuss this issue with your doctor. Often, the timing of taking the drug alone can have a favorable effect.

When the portions become smaller

Due to increased activity of satiety factors in the gastrointestinal tract and changes in the hormonally controlled central satiety system, seniors experience early satiety and reduced eating drive. Only small portions can still be consumed per meal.

  • Eat several small meals per day to ensure that you are consuming adequate amounts of all nutrients. Start with breakfast right after you get up and end the day with a bedtime snack. Have at least one hot meal per day.
  • Provide yourself with small snacks for in between meals, such as an appetizing sandwich, a sliced apple, a cup of yogurt or a piece of fruitcake.

Also think about the drinks. Because not only the appetite is reduced, also the thirst sensation decreases. So you do not forget to drink, a drinking plan can be helpful.

When chewing and swallowing become more difficult

In old age, chewing ability increasingly declines as a result of tooth loss and ill-fitting dentures. Many seniors also suffer from difficulty swallowing and dry mouth. Many foods that are very chew-intensive, such as raw vegetables, raw fruit, wholemeal bread and meat, are then avoided. The diet becomes very monotonous and contains mainly easily swallowed foods such as rice porridge, milk soups, puddings and mashed potatoes.

  • Drink enough to stimulate saliva production.
  • Chop up foods that are difficult to chew: grate, grate or puree fresh fruits and vegetables, cut meat into small pieces.
  • Remove hard food components: peel fruit, cut off the crust of bread, remove them bad to chew sausage skin.
  • Choose breads that are easy to chew, but still have a high percentage of whole grains, eg graham bread, whole wheat toast.
  • Replace hard foods with equally softer ones: Fish instead of meat, scrambled eggs instead of fried eggs, cream cheese instead of hard cheese, potatoes instead of rice, boiled / jacket potatoes or mashed potatoes instead of fried potatoes.
  • Select appropriate preparation methods: Prefer to prepare minced meat dishes, steam fruits and vegetables, use finely ground whole grains for casseroles and porridges, prepare hearty stews.

Problems with digestion

With increasing age, the frequency of intestinal sluggishness increases. Thus, already 40 percent of those over 60 complain of stool problems and constipation. After the age of 75, the number of people affected increases significantly once again. Constipation occurs three times more frequently in women than in men. A daily intake of dietary fiber in combination with adequate fluid intake contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system. It should be emphasized, however, that neither a low-fiber diet nor insufficient fluid intake can be considered the main cause of constipation. Also note that if acute constipation occurs, urgent medical attention should be sought to determine the underlying cause.

When cooking is no longer fun

Quite a few suffer the painful loss of a life partner. For many, this means a drastic change in life. Grief and loneliness prevail. There is often a lack of drive to do everyday things. Eating often becomes merely a matter of eating, as companionship is lacking. Cooking a full midday meal is considered too much effort for one person. Thus, a great monotony often enters the menu. Permanently, this promotes malnutrition.

  • Continue to consider food and food preparation as an important and enjoyable part of your life.
  • Try to eat in company as often as possible. Maybe other older people around you feel the same way you do. Cook together your favorite recipes. Shopping is also more fun together.
  • Create a pleasant dining atmosphere with a beautifully set table and candlelight, even if you eat alone.

Dining on wheels as an alternative.

If the independent meal preparation becomes too tedious, the “meals on wheels” is a good alternative. Before you decide on a provider, however, you should find out exactly about the range and performance of the various menu services. Because here there are quite differences both in the price and in the quality. For example, an investigation by Stiftung Warentest found that some providers had deficiencies in the composition of nutrients. The test showed that the fat content of many dishes was too high and the proportion of carbohydrates and fiber too low. The content of vitamins and minerals (especially calcium, magnesium and folic acid) was also not always satisfactory.

  • Therefore, before making your final decision, have a sample menu delivered to your home and check the taste and appearance.
  • Check whether the packaging declares nutritional information and list of ingredients. Make sure you can easily find them and read them well.
  • Check the packaging and handling of the product. The packaging should be easy to open and the handling of the product (eg.Heating, decanting, etc.) should be simple and easy to understand.
  • Get a first impression on the delivery service (punctuality, friendliness of staff).
  • Ask for a weekly or monthly menu and ask in what rhythm the menus are repeated. Compare the menu plans of the various mobile services.
  • Inquire about the range of different types of food such as diabetic food, pureed food, vegetarian food, etc.
  • Check whether fresh fruit and salads are offered daily.
  • Compare prices and delivery terms.

Be quite critical in the selection of the mobile menu service. The more you will be happy about the daily delivery of the dishes and eat them with pleasure and appetite.