Irritable Bladder (Urethral Syndrome): Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target

  • Improvement of symptomatology, i.e., primarily an improvement in urgency-frequency symptomatology (“urgency frequency”).

Therapy recommendations

Active ingredients (main indication)

Pain management of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) (modified from [guidelines: EAU guideline]).

Active ingredient Pain type Evidence level* Recommendation level*
Paracetamol somatic pain 1a A
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Pelvic pain with inflammatory process (e.g., dysmenorrhea/regular pain) 1a A
Antidepressants (incl. tricyclic antidepressants, duloxetine, venlafaxine) Neuropathic pain (nerve pain) 1a A
Anticonvulsants (gabapentin* * , pregabalin) Neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia 1a A
Gabapentin Women with CPPS (see above) 2b B
Capsaicin (topical) Neuropathic pain 1a A
Opioids Chronic, non-malignant pain 1a A

* Evidence level and recommendation level according to “Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence. “* * Gabapentin did not relieve chronic lower abdominal pain in women (“chronic pelvic pain syndrome”) of childbearing age more than placebo in a randomized trial.