Laryngeal Cancer: Classification

Laryngeal carcinoma is classified as follows:

According to location

  • Supraglottic (“above the glottis”; > 30%).
  • Glottic (“glottis-related”; > 60 %)
  • Subglottic “below the glottis”; (circa 1%).
  • Hypopharyngeal carcinoma ( “cancer of the pharynx”).

According to histology

  • Squamous cell carcinoma (> 90 %)
  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Adenoid cystic carcinoma
  • Small cell carcinoma
  • Neuroendocrine carcinoma
  • Melanoma
  • Sarcoma
  • Malignant lymphoma
  • Metastases, especially in bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer) or hypernephroma (renal cell carcinoma).

From. 1: TNM classification of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinomas (cancer of the larynx and pharynx).

Tumor type Stage Description
Glottic laryngeal carcinoma (glottic: “glottis-related”; >60%). T1a Tumor confined to one vocal fold
T1b Tumor extended to both vocal folds
T2 Tumor spread to supra- or subglottic or vocal fold immobility
T3 Vocal fold fixation, infiltration of the inner cortex of the thyroid cartilage or paraglottic space
T4a Thyroid cartilage rupture, infiltration of cricoid cartilage, extralaryngeal (” located outside the larynx “) structures such as trachea (windpipe), esophagus (food pipe), tongue muscles, infrahyoid muscles, thyroid gland
T4b Ingrowth into the prevertebral fascia or mediastinum (middle pleural space), walled around the carotid artery
Supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma.

(Supraglottic: “above the glottis”; >30%)

T1 Restriction to a partial range, no vocal fold immobility
T2 Invasion of at least 2 contiguous subregions without vocal fold fixation
T3 Vocal fold fixation or infiltration of postcricoid region, preepiglottic or paraglottic space, inner cortex of thyroid cartilage
T4a Thyroid cartilage rupture, infiltration of extralaryngeal structures such as trachea, esophagus, tongue muscles, infrahyoid muscles, thyroid gland
T4b Ingrowth into the prevertebral fascia or mediastinum, encasement of the carotid artery
Subglottic laryngeal carcinoma (subglottic: “below the glottis”; approximately 1%). T1 Limitation to the subglottis
T2 Infiltration of the vocal folds without fixation
T3 Vocal fold fixation, infiltration of internal thyroid cartilage, paraglottic space.
T4a Invasion of thyroid or cricoid cartilage, infiltration of extralaryngeal structures such as trachea, esophagus, tongue muscles, infrahyoid muscles, thyroid gland
T4b Ingrowth into the prevertebral fascia or mediastinum, encasement of the carotid artery
Hypopharyngeal carcinoma

(pharyngeal cancer)

T1 Restriction to a partial area, tumor diameter up to a maximum of 2 cm
T2 Invasion of at least 2 adjacent sections or tumor diameter greater than 2 cm to a maximum of 4 cm without hemilaryngeal fixation
T3 Hemilaryngeal fixation (fixation of the hemi-larynx), tumor diameter greater than 4 cm, extension into the esophageal mucosa
T4a Infiltration of thyroid gland, cricoid cartilage, hyoid bone, thyroid gland, esophageal muscles, central neck soft tissue
T4b Ingrowth into the prevertebral fascia or mediastinum, encasement of the carotid artery

Tab.2: Classification according to Union Internationale Contre le Cancer (UICC) of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinomas.

Stage T N M
I T1 N0 M0
II T2 N0 M0
III T1-2 N1 M0
T3 N0-1 M0
IVa T1-3 N2 M0
T4a N0-2 M0
IVb T1-4a N3 M0
T4b N1-3 M0
IVc T1-4 N0-3 M1