Aspirin Plus C for Colds

This active ingredient is in Aspirin Plus C

When is Aspirin Plus C used?

Aspirin Plus C is used for:

  • mild to moderate pain (headache, toothache, period pain)
  • painful symptoms associated with a cold (headache, sore throat, aching limbs)
  • fever

What are the side effects of Aspirin Plus C?

Common side effects of Aspirin Plus C are gastrointestinal discomfort (heartburn, nausea, vomiting, pain).

Rarely, cases of sometimes serious bleeding (brain bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, nose bleeding, gum bleeding, skin bleeding, bleeding of the urinary tract or genitals) have been reported. In these cases, the bleeding time is prolonged by taking Aspirin Plus C. In case of any bleeding, you should consult a doctor promptly. Furthermore, the development of gastrointestinal ulcers may occur, the consequence of which is very rarely a rupture.

Very rarely, the Aspirin Plus C effect may be the reason for an increase in liver enzymes.

If side effects are severe or not listed, a doctor should be consulted.

Prolonged use of Aspirin Plus C may cause a headache, which can lead to permanent pain with continued use of painkillers.

  • other anticoagulants (coumarin, heparin)
  • medicines that stop platelets from sticking together (clopidogrel)
  • other pain & anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs)
  • products containing cortisone or similar substances (not for external use)
  • Medicines that improve the performance of the heart (digoxin)
  • Medicines that lower blood sugar levels (antidiabetics)
  • diuretics (to increase urine output)
  • certain antihypertensives (ACE inhibitors)

The Aspirin Plus C effervescent tablet is dissolved in sufficient liquid before ingestion and drunk up immediately. This should not be done on an empty stomach, otherwise stomach irritation may occur.

Aspirin Plus C: Contraindications

Aspirin Plus C should not be used in:

  • existing intolerance to the active ingredients of Aspirin Plus C or other components of the drug.
  • @ previous allergic reactions (asthma attacks)due to substances with similar effects
  • gastrointestinal ulcers
  • increased bleeding tendency
  • severely reduced kidney and liver function
  • severe heart failure
  • with known allergies, asthma, swelling of the nasal mucosa or permanent restrictions of the respiratory tract
  • previous ulcers or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • impaired kidney and liver function
  • before operations
  • in case of stones in the urinary tract
  • in iron storage diseases

Aspirin Plus C: stimulants

The simultaneous consumption of alcohol with Aspirin Plus C may lead to an increase in the risk for the occurrence of gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding.

Aspirin Plus C should be used in children and adolescents only if other medications are not effective against a febrile illness. Use should be discussed with a physician, as in very rare cases Reye’s syndrome has been observed in association with Aspirin Plus C in children. This is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Aspirin Plus C: Pregnancy and lactation

Aspirin Plus C passes into breast milk in small amounts, which has no negative effects on the newborn when taken infrequently. However, prolonged or higher-dose use (over 150 mg a day) could necessitate premature weaning.

How to get Aspirin Plus C

Aspirin Plus C effervescent tablets require a pharmacy, but are available without a prescription at all pharmacies.

Complete information about this drug