Suicide as a result of lovesickness | What happens in case of lovesickness?

Suicide as a result of lovesickness

After the out of an affair, the same emotions and neurobiological processes occur as at the end of a relationship, because the body and subconscious mind do not pay attention to which separation is logical or reasonable, but only to whether one had feelings for a person or not. Where there is love, there is lovesickness – whether it is a spouse or an affair. However, processing the grief after an affair can be much more difficult, because the affected persons often do not dare to reveal themselves and accept help because of feelings of guilt.

What happens to the hormones in lovesickness?

The hormone balance in lovesickness has been mentioned several times. Again, the data situation leaves much to be desired, but there are some studies, which mainly refer to dopamine and serotonin, but also to cortisol and other stress hormones. Dopamine and serotonin are mood hormones and are altered in depression, especially dopamine also in drug addicts.

This explains the “withdrawal” symptoms and the sadness after a separation. Cortisol and adrenaline are responsible for the stress reaction of the body and thus cause e.g. palpitations, insomnia, loss of appetite etc.