Living with Therapy

There are just under 60,000 dialysis patients in Germany. For the person affected, blood washing means an immense change in normal everyday life, both in private and at work. Although it is possible to provide treatment close to home and in many places late-night and night dialysis options allow patients a certain degree of flexibility, life still has to be constantly adjusted to the therapy, which takes up a large proportion of the patient’s time.

Fortunately, treatment facilities are now increasingly to be found all over the world, so that dialysis patients can also travel. Affected patients must also adapt their diet to the kidney disease, which most see as a further restriction on quality of life.

Dietary restrictions

A maximum of one liter of fluid per day may be consumed, and potassium-rich foods such as fruit, chocolate, and nuts are taboo, as they can trigger cardiac arrhythmias. It is important to regularly take tablets that bind the excess phosphate in the blood, which otherwise causes bone damage and arteriosclerosis. Certain vitamins may also need to be supplemented.

Side effects and late effects of therapy

Other underlying conditions such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, or high blood pressure must be controlled with medication. Since the performance of a healthy kidney is never achieved despite optimal therapy, the well-being and performance of those affected are limited.

Late damage can include vascular calcification, heart disease, bone and joint damage. An alternative treatment is kidney transplantation, which is performed on almost 2,000 patients per year, but which is not free of side effects, since drugs that suppress the immune system have to be taken continuously. In addition, there are currently nowhere near enough donor kidneys available.