Lycopodium | Homeopathy for hemorrhoids


  • Discontented people with yellow skin color, general weakness and quick mental fatigue
  • Liver dysfunction with many flatulence
  • Often varicose veins also in the legs up to open ulcers. Constipation aggravates the symptoms of existing hemorrhoids
  • These cause stabbing pain, improvement through heat

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The following homeopathic medicines for hemorrhoids can be considered

  • Aesculus hippocastanum
  • Collinsonia canadensis
  • Sepia

Aesculus hippocastanum during pregnancy

  • General tendency to dilated veins, varicose veins in the legs with a tendency to form thromboses
  • Hemorrhoids bluish discolored, can occur inside or outside the rectum, rarely bleeds
  • Causes burning pain, itching especially at night in the warmth of the bed
  • Feeling of pegging in the anus and pain radiating to the lower back
  • Mostly there is a persistent, difficult to treat constipation
  • Generally dry mucous membranes are noticeable
  • The complaints improve with cold applications

Collinsonia canadensis

  • For hemorrhoids with long-standing chronic constipation
  • Yellow coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth
  • The hemorrhoids occur during pregnancy, appear outwards, bleed and itch peg feeling in the anus, there are cramps and flatulence, the stool is often bulbous and dry
  • All symptoms worsen at night.


  • Hemorrhoids develop during pregnancy, but also during menopause due to venous stagnation in the pelvic area and hormonal changes
  • Constipation without urge to defecate
  • Irritable, moody women who are slow to get going in the morning, but are very lively and communicative in the evening
  • Feeling of “pushing down” in the abdomen
  • Hemorrhoids bleed during defecation, painful tears develop in the anal mucosa
  • Radiating pain into the back
  • All complaints get worse in warm rooms full of people, get better in the fresh air and during exercise