Motion Sickness (Kinetic Osis): causes, symptoms, treatment

Motion sickness: description

Motion sickness is a widespread and harmless phenomenon that can, however, be highly distressing for sufferers. The technical term “kinetosis” is derived from the Greek word for moving (kinein). This is because it is the stimulus of movement in a moving car or ship or an airplane in the air that causes people with motion sickness.

For example, when someone sits in a jolting coach or travels in a car on a winding mountain road, this motion can upset the sense of balance and trigger symptoms such as nausea.

There are several varieties of motion sickness, depending on the type of transportation:

  • Widespread is seasickness – it can set in on a moving ship or other watercraft.
  • Land sickness is the term used for people who develop symptoms of kinetosis after a sea voyage as soon as they are back on solid ground. Even the jetty seems to sway because the body is still adjusted to the wave movements on the ship. This experience is especially common among sailors who have spent a long time on a ship.
  • Space sickness can occur in astronauts. Here, kinetosis is triggered by the lack of gravity in space – many astronauts then first feel nauseous and dizzy.

Apart from that, one can also get nauseous, for example, when riding on a camel or in a skyscraper that sways slightly in the wind.

One speaks of a pseudo-kinetosis if a flight simulator, a computer game or a 3-D cinema causes the motion sickness. In that case, there is no “real” decisive movement at all, but only the impression through the eyes.


How seasickness manifests itself and what you can do about it, you can read in the article Seasickness.

Why does motion sickness affect some people more than others?

How strong the stimulus has to be to trigger motion sickness varies from person to person.

Among adults, motion sickness affects women more often than men. Doctors assume that hormonal balance plays a role here, because women often show symptoms of motion sickness more quickly than usual during their menstrual period and pregnancy.

Incidentally, animals can also get motion sickness: Not only do many a dog become nauseous in the car, but even fish can become seasick when transported in a swaying aquarium.

Motion sickness: symptoms

Classic motion sickness is usually referred to as the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • pallor
  • accelerated breathing (hyperventilation)

In this state, blood pressure drops and the heartbeat accelerates (tachycardia). In most cases, however, sufferers recover relatively quickly from motion sickness as soon as the brain is able to reconcile the various sensory impressions.

In rare cases, motion sickness can take on threatening proportions, for example if severe nausea with vomiting persists for days and the affected person loses large amounts of water and salts (electrolytes) as a result. Some also feel very listless and are downright apathetic. Rarely, motion sickness leads to circulatory collapse.

Motion sickness: causes and risk factors

Motion sickness can be triggered by a wide variety of causes, from a swaying ship to a trip into outer space. Medical experts assume that the reason is a conflict between different sensory impressions:

The body must permanently coordinate both conscious and unconscious movements to maintain its balance. To assess its exact position in space, it draws on information from the various sensory organs:

  • The so-called proprioceptors also send signals to the brain. They are located primarily in the muscles and tendons and “measure” their respective state of stretch. The nerves work so well together that, for example, a person with closed eyes can coordinate their arms exactly in parallel.
  • The eyes are the third important source of information for the brain when it comes to locating the body in space. For example, the brain is used to the horizon, the floor, and tabletops being a horizontal axis of orientation; walls, poles, and lampposts, on the other hand, are normally vertical. In motion sickness, it is precisely this visual impression that plays a crucial role.

The brain normally assembles all this information received from the sensory cells into a meaningful three-dimensional image. In certain situations, however, the information is contradictory – for example, when the eyes perceive that one is sitting still and looking at a city map (e.g., as a passenger in a car), while the organ of balance reports fluctuations and vibrations. This is how the feeling of motion sickness develops.

Risk factors for motion sickness

Several factors make people more susceptible to motion sickness:

Motion sickness: investigations and diagnosis

In the case of severe symptoms, however, it is important for treatment that a doctor clarifies the exact background and ensures that it is actually the consequences of motion sickness and not, for example, an infection or poisoning (differential diagnosis). In the case of long-distance travel, it is also always advisable to think of travel sickness in terms of tropical diseases, for example, if complaints such as nausea, vomiting and sweating occur.

In order to rule out other illnesses, the doctor asks the person affected or accompanying persons about the exact circumstances. He also inquires whether any medications have been taken and whether the problem of motion sickness has been known for some time. In some cases, a physical examination and blood tests are also necessary to rule out other illnesses.

Motion sickness: treatment

Treatment of motion sickness is usually easier the earlier you do something about the unpleasant symptoms.

General tips

Reading or using your cell phone while driving, for example, can increase the symptoms of motion sickness. Therefore, try to refrain from such activities.

If you are already feeling sick, you should lie flat on your back and close your eyes, if possible. In general, it is often helpful with motion sickness to spend as much of your travel time as possible sleeping. This is because during sleep the sense of balance is largely switched off, and visual impressions are eliminated.

Ginger can help against nausea, for example in the form of freshly brewed ginger tea. You can also chew a piece of fresh ginger root.

Medication against motion sickness

If necessary, motion sickness medications can also be used with active ingredients such as scopolamine, dimenhydrinate or cinnarizine (in combination with dimehydrinate). These preparations are available in the form of patches, tablets or chewing gum.

Many motion sickness medications make you very tired and slow down your reactions. Therefore, you should not drive a vehicle after taking them. Also, not all of the medicines mentioned are suitable for children. It is best to consult your doctor or pharmacist before starting your journey.

Motion sickness: course of the disease and prognosis

Children between the ages of two and twelve get motion sickness most easily. In babies, the sense of balance is not yet so pronounced that the stimuli of movement could disturb them. From adolescence onwards, most people become less sensitive to jerking, swaying or swaying, and people over the age of 50 rarely suffer from motion sickness.

Motion sickness: prevention

If you are prone to motion sickness, it is best to prevent the threat of nausea before departure or takeoff. With the following simple measures, motion sickness can be avoided completely or at least mitigated:

  • Eat a light, not too fatty meal before you start your journey. A fruit salad or a sandwich, for example, is good.
  • Do not drink alcohol – not even the day before. If possible, avoid caffeine or at least limit yourself to a small cup of coffee or black tea.
  • When traveling by car, get behind the wheel yourself if possible. A driver usually doesn’t get sick – probably because he keeps his eyes constantly on the road ahead.
  • On airplanes, it can help to sit at the same height as the wings. A seat on the aisle is often a better choice here, as it does many people with motion sickness good to take a few steps up and down the aisle in between.
  • Motion sickness medications are usually most effective when used at least 30 to 60 minutes before travel. It’s best to follow the recommendations on the package insert or ask the pharmacist.