Depression in the Workplace

A heavy workload and fear of unemployment are driving more and more employees into depression and inability to work. One statistic says that in 2012, nearly half of early retirees stopped working because of mental health problems – depression being the most common cause. Depression and other mental health problems are also taking on an increasingly important role in sick leave, now accounting for the second most common diagnosis of all sick leave. Since 2000, the number of days of absence due to depression has increased by almost 70 percent. In 2013, 7.1 percent of all reported days of absence were due to depression. Statistically, therefore, every employed person missed one day due to the illness.

Depressed at work

Although annual sick leave reports have been declining on average since the mid-1990s, the number of mental health-related sick leaves has been growing. A large proportion of these mental health-related sick leaves are due to depression. Out of fear of not being able to keep up with work and even losing their job, many people go to work even when they are in poor health. They do not take sick leave, although they actually need time and rest to recover. The physical complaints are simply ignored. The body, which is then already ailing, is exposed to permanent stress due to the time and performance pressure at work. As a result, employees find it difficult to concentrate and the mountain of work grows. This development is in turn one more reason to go to the office despite fever and pain. A vicious circle develops. At some point, affected employees can no longer meet the performance requirements, and psychological problems are added to the physical complaints. The danger of slipping into depression is now a given. At the latest now a sick note is inevitable.

Why does work make you sick?

There are many reasons for the steadily growing number of depressive illnesses. Due to technologies, such as the Internet or mobile telephony, the scope of work and working hours have changed in recent decades. Today, individuals have many more tasks to accomplish in much less time. Everything has to be done faster, and workers are left with little room for rest and leisure activities. The rest periods necessary for a healthy body often come up short.

Depressed by overtime

According to a DGB survey from 2014, almost every fourth German now works at least six hours of overtime per week because of the high workload. Many can then after work done, even if they are then finally at home, simply not switch off. Many of the German professionals, continue to work even in their spare time. Already three to four hours of overtime per day increase the risk of coronary artery disease by 60 percent.

Depressed by permanent availability

In a survey conducted by the German Association of Company Health Insurance Funds (BKK) in 2011, more than 80 percent of respondents between the ages of 18 and 65 already felt they had to be available for clients, colleagues and superiors and could still be reached on business via their cell phones even after work hours. This constant burden can make people ill and lead to depressive moods.

What kind of work makes you depressed?

Many employees often feel exhausted and overworked. Many shift and night workers suffer from sleep disorders because their bodies cannot keep up with the shifted daily rhythm. Frustration builds up in them and they can no longer derive any positive sense of achievement in their jobs, but feel fundamentally overwhelmed. Other symptoms such as joylessness, lack of interest, sleep disturbances and loss of appetite are added. If private problems, such as the loss of a friend or family member, partnership conflicts or strokes of fate are added, a serious depression can develop from the overload.

Inability to work due to depression

Severe depression can usually only be treated with strong-acting medications such as antidepressants. Affected people are then no longer able to drive a vehicle or operate machinery. They can no longer pursue their profession and are considered unable to work. If the ability to work is still severely and permanently impaired despite effective treatment of the chronic depression, those affected can apply for retirement.Whether a pension entitlement exists is decided by the employee’s respective pension insurance carrier.

Recognizing mental illness in the workplace

A “first aid” can be to give the responsible persons security in dealing with the sensitive topic and to help employees in crisis situations in concrete cases. Timely intervention helps to prevent larger crises. Absenteeism can be reduced and the know-how of the employees concerned remains in the company. Everyone in the company should deal more openly with psychological problems and disorders, because only employees who dare to address psychological crises at an early stage can be helped in good time and in the long term. It is often colleagues who first observe a change in behavior – sometimes these are the symptoms of a mental illness. These signs should not be ignored:

  • The affected person seems indifferent or dismissive or even aggressive
  • He is subject to strong mood swings
  • Is isolated and closes himself
  • He shows declining performance or strong fluctuations in performance
  • Does not dare to do anything more, seems generally insecure
  • Makes many breaks and is strikingly often sick
  • Feels “bullied”, personally attacked or attacks others.

If conspicuousness is perceived, it is important to approach the affected person and address the changed behavior, as early intervention by employees and colleagues may prevent more serious consequences such as the loss of employment. Comments such as “Get a grip! “, are completely out of place, as depression, anxiety or alcohol dependence are serious illnesses that cannot be dealt with by a little effort of will.