Neurodermatitis: Treatment Alternatives

The be-all and end-all of the treatment of neurodermatitis is the consistent care of the skin – even in times without itching. In addition, all measures that bring about a strengthening of the general health and psyche help. Learn more here about different treatment options for atopic dermatitis and learn what helps apart from medication.

16 general measures for atopic dermatitis

The following measures are important away from medication for atopic dermatitis:

  1. Good skin care, avoiding frequent washing procedures, no alkali soaps and detergents.
  2. Not wearing garments made of wool or synthetic fibers.
  3. Use of underwear made of pure cotton
  4. Use of enzyme-free detergents for small laundry.
  5. Multiple rinsing of the underwear with water
  6. Wearing cotton gloves for dry housework
  7. Additional wearing of plastic or rubber gloves for wet work (no rubber gloves directly on the skin).
  8. Protection against chemical and physical poisons
  9. Regular use of skin protection ointments
  10. Avoiding extreme temperature fluctuations
  11. Dust remediation measures
  12. No stay in the dusty environment
  13. Nicotine ban
  14. Avoiding contact with furry animals
  15. Not keeping pets (high risk of sensitization to hair and animal skin parts, especially guinea pig, hamster, cat, horse and dog in descending order).
  16. Dietary measures: Avoiding hot spices, strong coffee, concentrated alcohol, beer.

When to see a doctor?

Medical help is needed in the following situations:

  • If the eczema is red, painful, particularly warm, or secretes a secretion.
  • If in addition to the eczema cough and / or shortness of breath.
  • When side effects of medication are noticed.
  • When occupational activity aggravates atopic dermatitis.

Factors that trigger or aggravate atopic dermatitis.

The following factors can aggravate or cause atopic dermatitis and should be avoided:

  • Inhaling substances that often trigger allergy: House dust, animal dander, pollen.
  • The skin contact with substances that irritate the skin: detergents, damp environment, wool, synthetic textiles, etc.
  • Sweat
  • Dry air, dusty rooms, smoke.
  • Mental stress: Stress, depressive moods, anxiety
  • Foods which can have an allergic effect: Eggs, cow’s milk products, nuts, fish, etc.
  • Food additives: in colorful sweets, canned food.
  • Foods that irritate experience: acidic foods (juices, citrus), hot spices, alcohol.

7 Tips to improve atopic dermatitis

Consider the following tips to help improve atopic dermatitis:

  1. In principle, all risk factors should be avoided.
  2. Infants should be breastfed if possible, because this is most likely to reduce the occurrence of allergies.
  3. Airy cotton clothing should be preferred. In general, a colder ambient temperature is beneficial.
  4. Skin cleansing should be done with alkali-free and lipid-replenishing soaps and, above all, not too often. The care is done every time after washing and also otherwise best several times a day by applying creams containing fat. These can additionally contain urea in the case of eczema. In addition, oil baths are recommended.
  5. Allergies are also established by omitting the substances in question for at least three weeks. If the substance is then carefully tried again in low concentration and there is then a worsening of the disease, an allergy to this substance is likely. Contact should be avoided in the future. This procedure is especially recommended with food. In extreme cases, a diet in which only potatoes and rice are given is necessary. In older children, allergy tests can be performed by specialists.
  6. Often it can be found that atopic dermatitis gets better when people in the environment behave differently. This “better” behavior can be practiced. If the sick person suffers from mental conflicts, the causes of the conflicts should be eliminated.It helps here if the sufferer is consistently supported in making difficult decisions. Sometimes psychotherapy – in which the caregivers should also participate – is helpful.
  7. Climate change (sea climate or altitude climate above 1,500 meters) usually has a favorable effect, but relapses can occur quickly when returning to the old environment. Caution is advised with vaccinations and injections.

Additional tips for treatment

The basis of skin treatment is the application of creams containing urea. This is better to do several times a day thinly than once thickly. In addition, moisturizing oil baths are recommended. If the eczema “blossoms”, the optimal therapy strategy should be sought together with the attending physician. In more severe cases, cortisone-containing preparations are then also used, possibly also in tablet form. Because of the constantly itching skin, which is supposedly unattractive for those affected, psychotherapy can be useful. In the case of severe diseases, contact should be made at an early stage with a specialized center, which will usually support a holistic treatment taking into account nutrition. There are numerous self-help groups for neurodermatitis sufferers, which are also organized supraregionally.