Lumbar Spine Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The term lumbar spine syndrome hides various phenomena, such as chronic back pain and lumbago. It is a collective term for different disorders and not a disease in its own right. Nevertheless, medical treatment is recommended in case of persistent complaints.

What characterizes lumbar spine syndrome?

The clinical picture of lumbar spine syndrome includes different symptoms. However, localized pain in the lumbar spine is the focus of the differentiated disorders. Otherwise, the syndrome can take on different dimensions without necessarily having further parallels between the complaints. Back pain is a widespread phenomenon in adults. In advancing age, only a few people exist who have not yet experienced complaints of this kind. The lumbar spine syndrome can be divided into subtypes. On the one hand there is an acute back pain, on the other hand a chronic one. In general, back pain mostly affects the region of the lumbar spine. Long-term pain should be clarified by a doctor. Only in this way is it possible to maintain the quality of life of the affected person as far as possible.


The causes of lumbar spine syndrome are very diverse in nature. Again, a differentiation is drawn between the acute and chronic syndrome. Acute lumbar spine syndrome usually appears very suddenly and without much warning. The pain takes on a high level and is often caused by incorrect movement. This can occur during sports activities, but also in everyday life, for example, when lifting and carrying heavy objects. In addition to incorrect movements and signs of wear and tear, herniated discs are also a possible cause of acute lumbar spine syndrome. In the case of a herniated disc, the gallbladder core of an intervertebral disc ruptures. The escaping fluid can crush nerves, resulting in severe pain. Chronic lumbar spine syndrome is caused by slow wear and tear of the intervertebral discs. As a consequence, numerous other diseases occur. Osteoporosis or scoliosis can also be to blame for the complaints. Fractures, tumors in the lumbar spine, blockages of the vertebral bodies, congenital deformities, inflammations or bony changes also have the potential to trigger lumbar spine syndrome.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Pain is the main symptom that occurs as part of the syndrome. These affect the area of the lumbar spine and are perceived as dull and pulling. Radiation of the pain into the legs is also not uncommon. In this case, the lumbar spine hurts more often than other parts of the back because it is exposed to greater stress in everyday life. The pain usually makes itself felt suddenly and changes in intensity depending on the respective body position. Coughing or sneezing usually cause the discomfort to increase further. Furthermore, the occurrence of tingling, numbness and paralysis cannot be ruled out. In such a case, a doctor must be consulted without fail, because the disorders indicate injuries to nerves. In some cases, affected persons are no longer able to consciously control the closing muscles of the bladder or rectum, incontinence occurs. Apart from back pain, LSW syndrome is often manifested by an increase in sweat production at night. If additional episodes of fever occur, medical treatment is inevitable.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

The diagnosis is made by a detailed conversation with the doctor and a physical examination. During the conversation, the complaints must be described in detail. Other manifestations such as fever occurring should not be ignored, even if affected persons do not necessarily associate them with the aching back. The course of the lumbar spine syndrome ultimately depends on the underlying cause. Meanwhile, numerous therapeutic approaches exist for the treatment of a herniated disc, so that the quality of life can usually be reconstructed. Wear disorders, on the other hand, can usually be treated less effectively. Here, it is to be expected that the complaints will persist. However, various measures are capable of reducing the pain.


Due to the lumbar spine syndrome, the affected person primarily suffers from severe pain. These occur mainly in the back and can significantly reduce and limit the quality of life of the patient. It is not uncommon for the pain from the back to spread to other regions of the body and cause discomfort there as well. Pain at night can also lead to sleep problems and depressive moods. It is not uncommon for the discomfort of low back syndrome to occur primarily during exertion, resulting in tingling or numbness. In the worst case, the affected person suffers paralysis, resulting in severe restrictions in everyday life. Incontinence can also occur and also lead to considerable complications. It is not uncommon for those affected to be dependent on the help of other people in their daily lives. It is not uncommon for increased sweat production to occur at night, so that the sleep rhythm is disturbed. The treatment of the lumbar spine syndrome is causal and is usually remedied by physiotherapy. As a rule, no particular complications occur. However, it cannot be guaranteed that all symptoms can be completely limited

When should you go to the doctor?

Lumbar spine syndrome (LS syndrome) is characterized by nonspecific complaints without explanatory findings. This already says that the diagnosis should first be confirmed by ruling out causes such as a herniated disc in the spine or an irritated sciatic nerve. A family doctor or orthopedist should therefore be consulted if complaints in this area arise for the first time and do not resolve spontaneously within a few days. Another reason for a visit to the doctor are massive or changing complaints. This is especially true in cases where a pain character changes. For example, if a back pain radiates over the buttocks into the legs. Tingling and other sensations such as numbness also indicate nerve involvement and should be clarified by the doctor. A visit to the doctor is recommended particularly quickly in the case of paralysis in the foot area or if the feeling of no longer being able to control the bladder or bowels properly prevails. All this can indicate a massive disc problem and is not a symptom complex that still fits a lumbar spine syndrome. The neurologist, like the orthopedist, can make the distinction. Furthermore, it is advisable to clarify complaints in the lower back during pregnancy or if nocturnal complaints permanently disturb sleep. Also in connection with an accident, back complaints in the lumbar spine area are better clarified promptly.

Treatment and therapy

Before therapy can take place, an accurate diagnosis must be made. After all, the term LSW syndrome includes several phenomena that are treated in different ways. Therefore, identifying the exact causes is crucial for effective treatment. A herniated disc is particularly often responsible for acute LSW syndrome. This can be treated in different ways. First, conservative measures are usually used. These involve rest, heat and gentle exercise. In addition, acupuncture and physical therapy may be used. For these, it may be necessary for a painkiller to be administered so that the patient finds the session tolerable. Only when conservative approaches have failed to achieve success is surgery considered. As a rule, however, this is only the case if paralysis symptoms of the legs already exist. In the course of an operation, for example, the intervertebral disc responsible for the symptoms is removed. The entire therapy is subject to the administration of painkilling drugs. In the case of existing tumors, the tumor is surgically removed, if the possibility exists. This is followed by chemotherapy to destroy cancer cells. Inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism may not be cured, but only alleviated. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory drugs are usually resorted to. Furthermore, regular exercise is important.

Outlook and prognosis

Basic statements about the success of treatment for lumbar spine syndrome are hardly possible. In any case, patients should immediately present to an orthopedist. Otherwise, the typical pain will persist.For many, this makes everyday private and professional life unbearable. The question of a cure depends on the extent of the damage. If simple muscular symptoms are present, physiotherapy can permanently eliminate the complaints. If the damage has become chronic, only alleviation is possible. The patient can usually carry out a reasonably normal daily routine. However, heavy lifting and deep bending must be avoided. Special chairs make everyday office life easier. Strengthening the back muscles, for example by visiting a gym, can also help in some cases. In the most severe cases, doctors advise surgical intervention. Lumbar spine syndrome can lead to restricted movement and instability. Depending on the extent, this results in permanent disability. General statements about the duration of therapy are not possible. How long measures are indicated depends on the cause and the extent. Pain-relieving drugs are usually used as a supplement. The success of treatment also depends on the extent to which the patient changes his or her life.


Lumbar spine syndrome can be prevented to a limited extent. Physical activity is particularly helpful in this regard. Lifting and carrying heavy objects must be done with caution. Unaccustomed movements should be avoided or performed only slowly. In addition, correct posture is important. This relieves the lumbar spine and can be learned under certain circumstances.


Lumbar spine syndrome is usually associated with a number of different complaints and complications, so the affected person should always consult a doctor in the first instance. Self-cure is also usually not possible with this condition, so a medical professional should be contacted at the first signs and symptoms of the syndrome. The pain can also occur in the form of pain at rest, negatively affecting the sleep of the affected person. Many patients are therefore unhappy, irritable and easily annoyed. Sometimes this can lead to depressive moods. Regular consultations with the doctor on treatment methods are therefore recommended in order to avert a developing poor posture, which can occur as a result of relieving postures. DEbenso, the lumbar spine syndrome can lead to severe headaches and further to dizziness and thus have a very negative effect on the quality of life of the affected person. They are sometimes dependent on the help of friends and family in everyday life. A complete cure is not always possible. As a rule, however, the syndrome does not reduce the life expectancy of the affected person.

What you can do yourself

Patients with the lumbar spine syndrome have various options for self-help in everyday life, which relieve discomfort and sometimes prevent a worsening of the health condition. Above all, it is helpful to find a balance between relieving and stressful activities and phases. The right balance must be determined individually by the person concerned on the basis of how the body feels and the severity of the back pain. Correct posture goes a long way toward reducing pain and strengthening muscles. When sitting for long periods of time, it is important for patients with low back syndrome to frequently vary their sitting position to offset unfavorable stresses on certain zones. Numerous individuals also experience relief from their symptoms through local heat treatments that are straightforward to apply at home. Warming plasters and bandages or ointments, for example, come into question. In addition, warm baths relax the muscles of the lumbar spine and thus often lead to a short-term improvement in suffering. Patients with lumbar spine syndrome achieve a general improvement in their condition through sport, although the type and intensity of sporting activities should be discussed with the doctor. Endurance sports such as swimming and Nordic walking are particularly practical. The accompanying physical fitness has a positive effect on general physical well-being and thus on quality of life.