Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Definition, Therapy, Causes

What is a washing compulsion?

In doing so, they always follow a very specific ritual, which they adhere to meticulously. A single mistake is enough to trigger the unpleasant thoughts again – the compulsive action is then set in motion all over again.

People with washing compulsions are aware that their fears are exaggerated, and they are therefore ashamed of their compulsions. Some withdraw from friends and family.

You can read more about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders such as compulsive washing in the article Obsessive-compulsive disorders. There you can also read what self-help is possible.

Too much cleanliness is often unhealthy

The fear of bacteria is widespread. Even many people without washing compulsions find the thought of bacteria unpleasant and sometimes clean and wash themselves excessively often. Cleanliness is often intuitively associated with health.

How is compulsive washing treated?

It is important that people with a washing compulsion seek professional help. Because the compulsions can rarely be conquered on their own.

The therapist accompanies the patients during their confrontation until they are able to perform the exercises on their own. In addition, medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used in the therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What are the causes?