Overtraining Syndrome

Every athlete feels overloaded at some point in training and can’t perform as well as usual. However, when one’s performance deteriorates permanently despite regular training, when legs and mind become heavier and heavier and there is no improvement despite resting between training sessions, experts speak of overtraining syndrome. In addition to the drop in performance, chronic fatigue and sleep disturbances are other common complaints. Overtraining often manifests itself on two levels: On the one hand, there is heart palpitations and sleep disturbances, and on the other, depressive moods. If there is no improvement after two to three weeks, a visit to the doctor is necessary, for example, to rule out an infection (viral disease, dental inflammation).

Causes of overtraining syndrome

Regular training is important, because nothing comes from nothing. But sometimes the shot backfires: for example, in the case of excessive training, especially in high-intensity endurance sports, by frequent competitions or too rapid an increase in the training load. Monotonous movements are particularly problematic (an example from the non-sports sector is professional piano players). In addition to too high a training load, stress factors such as relationship problems, exam situations, or time constraints, as well as insufficient recovery from infections and an unbalanced diet, can also be causes of overtraining syndrome.

Symptoms: Recognizing overtraining

The diagnosis “overtraining” is usually not easy to make. Especially in states of exhaustion of shorter duration, there is often only a state of overload. Although physicians have detected hormonal changes that are supposed to protect the body from further exertion like a self-protective feedback, classical laboratory values in the blood or urine do not exist yet.

In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, questionnaires in which athletes are asked to characterize their own condition have proven useful. Another possibility is a test on the bicycle ergometer, which can detect an impairment of speed or short-term endurance and a reduced oxygen uptake often associated with it. In addition, typical symptoms of overexertion include a burning throat and gastrointestinal discomfort that occur during exercise.

A Dutch study surveyed almost a thousand runners, cyclists and triathletes on the subject of overexertion. According to the results, 71% of runners, 67% of cyclists and 57% of triathletes complained of stomach complaints. The scientist Peters from the University of Utrecht also found out that up to 18% of the athletes used medication against their complaints. Heartburn, flatulence, bloating or belching were the most common symptoms of overtraining syndrome identified in the study.

Finding the optimal (training) level

  • Increase training slowly
  • Pay attention to sufficient rest
  • Compensatory sports: interrupt the training monotony by other (conditionally less stressful) sports
  • Stress compensation: for example, yoga
  • Infections take seriously and cure
  • Pay attention to the right diet
  • Warning sign of overtraining is a sudden drop in performance despite training