Pain in tendons or muscles | Pain in the lower arm – what is the cause?

Pain in tendons or muscles

In most cases, pain in the lower arm is caused by a tense muscle or by processes in a tendon. The tense muscle is often a muscle in the forearm that moves the fingers or wrist. Muscles of this type exist on both the outer and inner side of the forearm and are tensed due to chronic misuse or over-stimulation.

The pain on the forearm gets worse when it is strained. Typically, both people who work at a PC or who frequently have to carry loads as well as athletes are affected. Besides tennis elbow, which causes pain on the outside, there is also golfer’s elbow.

This makes itself felt through pain on the inside of the forearm and elbow. In addition to a muscle, a tendon can also cause pain in the forearm.If a tendon is put under too much strain, this can lead to abacterial (i.e. bacteria-free) inflammation, which can cause severe strain-related pain. Usually the tendon sheath is also affected, the physician speaks of tendovaginitis.

Typically guitar players often suffer from pain in the forearm caused by a tendon, but symptoms can also occur after too hard dumbbell training or through permanent incorrect loading. The pain occurs on the forearm on the flexor side and can be provoked by moving the fingers. A break from any strain on these tendons, possibly for weeks, cold and painkillers will bring improvement.

Pain after a fall

Pain in the forearm often occurs in connection with a fall. Pain occurring after a fall should always be closely observed, as the injury can have different degrees of severity. In the simplest case, a bruise may occur.

In this case the bone remains completely intact and no special therapy is required, cold and painkillers alleviate the symptoms. However, the pain can be relatively severe, possibly accompanied by bruising after the fall. If the pain is unbearable after a fall on the forearm, or if there are additional movement restrictions in the arm or wrist, a doctor should be consulted.

This may be a fracture that can be diagnosed with an X-ray. In some cases, a malposition can be seen after the fall, and a hospital should be consulted immediately. But even if the pain in the forearm does not improve after the fall or is very strong, there may be a fracture behind it, which is usually accompanied by significant swelling. Even then, a visit to a doctor is advisable. People who suffer from osteoporosis should definitely be examined for pain in the forearm after a fall.