Pain in the back of the head as an indication of a tumor? | Pain in the back of the head

Pain in the back of the head as an indication of a tumor?

Many patients with headaches worry that a tumor could be behind their complaints. Only in a very small proportion of cases do back headaches actually indicate a serious illness. A tumor is most likely to be a possible cause when the pain in the back of the head persists over a long period of time and is particularly severe at night. In addition, patients usually experience other symptoms in addition to the pain, such as impaired vision. If this is the case in your case, you should consult a doctor to be on the safe side and have the suspicion clarified.


Creating better working and sleeping conditions and combating tension by means of movement and relaxation exercises is a good way to relieve back pain when tension is the cause of the pain. Massages can also help to relax the muscles. Warmth promotes blood circulation and thus also counteracts tension. So treat your neck to a hot water bottle or a cherry pit pillow, it will thank you for it!


It is not possible to make a blanket statement about the duration of pain in the back of the head due to the many possible causes. If, as in most cases, the pain is caused by muscular tension in the neck or jaw area, improvement often does not occur until the cause has been identified and reacted to accordingly (e.g. adjustment of a better sitting position in the office in the case of neck tension, use of a bite splint at night in the case of jaw tension). If an accident (usually a fall on the back of the head) can be identified as the cause, the duration of the complaints usually ranges from a few days to two weeks. At the latest then the consultation of a doctor is recommended.