Painkillers: Different Laws Apply in Old Age

With increasing age, the likelihood of suffering from pain increases. Chronic illnesses, an increased risk of falls or a changed perception of pain may be the reasons for this increase. However, pain not only occurs more often with older age, but it often requires different treatment than pain experienced in younger years.

Do older people need stronger pain medications?

The reason for this is metabolism. “While pain processing is a robust system and hardly subject to aging, performance in processing and excretion of nutrients and drugs decreases with age,” explains Dr. Mazen Ottallah-Kolac, a pharmacist from Wetzlar, Germany. Important functions of the liver and kidney, which are responsible for the degradation and excretion of drugs, are restricted in old age. “In the case of painkillers, a smaller amount of active ingredient is often sufficient to relieve the discomfort just as well and for as long as in young adults,” says Ottallah-Kolac.

Changing pain medication needs

Another reason for a change in pain medication needs is the additional chronic diseases that older people have, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. “The diseases themselves or the drugs required to treat these diseases have an influence on the efficacy and side effects of painkillers,” the experienced pharmacist knows. Often, a suitable preparation must first be found that is compatible with the other medications.

“Stronger opioids, administered in a low dose, are much more effective and tolerable than conventional over-the-counter painkillers – especially if they are to be administered over a longer period of time,” says Ottallah-Kolac. Opioids are body-related substances and cause fewer side effects when used properly. “The many different dosage forms, whether drops, tablets or patches, enable very individualized treatment,” emphasizes the Wetzlar pharmacist.


However, good intuition is also required when using the strongly effective painkillers. Physician and patient must work together intensively here. “Patients should pay attention to any changes caused by the therapy and discuss them with the doctor,” advises Ottallah-Kolac. Only in this way can the optimal treatment be found and regularly adjusted.