Physiotherapy | What are the chances of recovery after a cerebral hemorrhage?


The physiotherapeutic treatment after a cerebral hemorrhage already starts in the intensive care unit. It is important to avoid stiffening. In the course of the treatment, the physiotherapist helps patients with movement disorders to improve their motor skills.

Balance and fine motor movements are also trained together with a physiotherapist. In the course of the rehabilitation measure, strength, endurance and resilience are then promoted. Physiotherapy is therefore very important, as mobility makes everyday life much easier and everyday competence is quality of life.

Which drugs improve the chances of recovery?

Ultimately, there are no drugs that directly improve the chances of recovery from cerebral hemorrhage. It is important to minimize the risk factors for the occurrence of a new cerebral hemorrhage. It is therefore important that the blood pressure is well adjusted (by means of medication).

If a medication for blood thinning was taken before the cerebral hemorrhage, the indication should be critically reviewed, if necessary the dose can be reduced or switched to another preparation. If there are typical risk factors that lead to arteriosclerosis, these should be reduced. Medications are also used which influence the sugar and fat metabolism.

Much more important than drugs to improve the chances of recovery after a brain haemorrhage is a neurological rehabilitation measure. In order for a patient to recover after a cerebral hemorrhage and to reduce consequential damage, a special neurological rehabilitation measure is essential. Here, a team of doctors, nurses and numerous therapists work hand in hand.

A homeopathic treatment of certain symptoms can be performed as a supplement. However, a doctor should always be consulted beforehand to exclude dangerous causes for the complaints. Once this is done, various homeopathic preparations can be considered. However, this should always be discussed with an experienced homeopath.