Pilates Exercises against Abdominal Pain

Pilates is the ideal exercise program for those who frequently suffer from abdominal pain and cramps. The special thing about the exercises is the targeted interaction of body and mind. On the one hand, proper breathing techniques and relaxation play a major role, on the other hand, the “powerhouse”, that is, the entire musculature of the body center is strengthened. The five exercises shown, performed regularly, can prevent abdominal pain and even relieve discomfort in acute cases.

Tips for proper breathing

Basically, inhalation should always be done deep into the abdomen, so that the rib arches open to the side, forward and backward. On the exhale, pull the belly button inward as deeply as you can and tighten the pelvic floor. Important: During the exercises, always breathe in and out evenly, do not tense up and, if possible, never hold your breath. Because concentrated breathing also provides relaxation.

The powerhouse

In all Pilates exercises, the powerhouse is activated. Thereby work

  • The transverse abdominal muscles
  • The internal and external oblique abdominal muscles
  • The straight abdominal muscle
  • The pelvic floor muscles

together at full speed.

“The Hundred”

“The Hundred” is a classic Pilates exercise. While lying on your back, lift your legs at a 90° angle and inhale deeply. As you exhale, simultaneously lift your head, shoulders and arms and tighten your abdomen. Now move arms up and down, inhaling and exhaling rhythmically. Then, as you exhale, place your arms and upper body back on the floor, put your legs down one by one and relax briefly. Repeat this exercise 1 to 2 times. Variation: in the supine position, bend only one leg 90°, extend the other leg.

“The shoulder bridge”

Inhale deeply in the supine position with legs apart. On the exhale, roll the upper body up so that the thighs, hips, abdomen and chest form a line. On the next inhalation, extend the left leg upward and on the exhalation, lower it to hip level parallel to the thigh. Body tension is maintained. On the next inhale, again raise the leg to vertical. Repeat three times, then put the left leg back down and continue with the right leg.

“Rolling like a ball” – Image 1

“Roll like a ball”. Sit upright with legs tucked in. Place the hands on the left and right sides of the knees. Inhale deeply into the chest and stretch the back all the way. Activate the powerhouse on the exhale, pulling the belly button inward and rounding the lumbar vertebra.

“Roll like a ball” – image 2.

With the inhale, roll backward, keeping the round shape, like a ball. In the rearmost position, the shoulder blades are in contact with the floor and the head remains in the air. With the next exhalation come back to the starting position, the exercise starts again.

“Roll like a ball” – picture 3

With the next exhalation, return to the starting position and the exercise begins again.

“Cross over”

Lie flat on your back with your hands under your head. Inhale deeply and on the next exhale lift the right leg up at a 90° angle. Inhale again in this posture. On the next exhalation, lift the upper body diagonally to the right knee, extending the left leg. Switch sides on the next inhale.

“Support bridge” – Image 1.

Sitting with legs extended. On the exhale, lean back with the upper body, arms going into support. On the inhale, lift the hips so that the body forms a line.

“Support Bridge” – Figure 2.

On the next exhalation, lift the right leg extended and lower it again on the inhalation. Body tension is maintained. On the next exhalation, lift the leg again. Repeat three times, then lower the right leg again and continue with the left leg.