The medical history (history of the patient) represents an important component in the diagnosis of pleural effusion.
Family history
- Is there a history of frequent cardiovascular disease, lung disease, tumor disease in your family?
Social history
Current medical history/systemic medical history (somatic and psychological complaints).
- Are you currently experiencing shortness of breath?*
- Are you experiencing any pain?
- Breath-dependent pain* ?
- Chest pain* ?
- How long has this shortness of breath been present? Has this changed?
- Have you noticed any other symptoms such as:
- Cough?
- Fever?
- Fatigue?
- Weight loss?
- Was there a triggering situation? Injury?
- Did the discomfort develop quickly or over a longer period of time, up to weeks?
Vegetative anamnesis including nutritional anamnesis.
- Do you smoke? If yes, how many cigarettes, cigars or pipes per day?
Self history including medication history.
- Pre-existing conditions (pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease (especially heart failure), infections, autoimmune diseases, renal disease, tumor disease).
- Operations
- Radiotherapy
- Allergies
- Environmental history (asbestos)
Medication history
- Amiodarone (antiarrhythmic drug)
- Beta blocker
- Bromocriptine (dopamine D2 agonist; inhibition of prolactin secretion).
- Clozapine (neuroleptic).
- Dantrolene (hydantoin derivative from the muscle relaxant group) – used in malignant hyperthermia
- Interleukin-2 (IL 2)
- Methotrexate (MTX)
- Methysergide (ergotamine derivative; drug from the group of serotonin antagonists) – used as a migraine medication.
- Monoclonal antibodies – pertuzumab, trastuzumab.
- Nitrofurantoin (antibiotic)
- Phenytoin (antiepileptic)
- Procarbazine (nonclassical alkylane with high antineoplastic activity; cytostatic).
* If this question has been answered with “Yes”, an immediate visit to the doctor is required! (Data without guarantee)