Plum: Intolerance & Allergy

The plum, a stone fruit, enjoys great popularity worldwide. The generic term plum includes several types of stone fruit. These differ in various characteristics, such as juice content and ripening time. These include the plum, mirabelle plum and reneclode, among others.

This is what you should know about the plum

Due to the trace elements and minerals in the plum, it is a good remedy for depressive moods, a nervous restlessness and stress. Already in ancient times, the plum was known as tasty and medicinal, for example, because of its mild laxative effect. The stone fruit is said to have originated in the Caucasus and was probably brought to Greece by Alexander the Great. The Romans brought the fruit to Germany. The Crusaders then spread it throughout Central Europe. Everywhere in the world, when the climate and soil conditions are suitable, the plum is cultivated. It has developed from a cross between the blackthorn and the cherry plum. Since it is easy to crossbreed, new fruit varieties are constantly being created with it. In Germany, about 70 percent of the total harvested crop comes from Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate. The smooth plums, which grow on trees up to 4 meters high, are spherical, bluish-purple or yellow-skinned with rounded ends. Depending on the variety, the flesh is greenish-yellow to slightly reddish. The taste of ripe plums is sweet and juicy, while cooked fruits are relatively sour. They are in season from July to October, as they need a lot of sun to ripen juicy and aromatic fruits.

Importance for health

Plums are considered helpful for various ailments. In the fruit there are vital B vitamins, thanks to which the nerves are strengthened and the mood is lifted. The plant pigments contained are healthy antioxidants, which can bind free radicals. The consumption of many fruits has a laxative effect. They also relieve heartburn. However, for this it is advisable to steam them, because the fruit acids they contain can strongly irritate a sensitive stomach. The plum acts as a diuretic and dehydrating. It stimulates metabolism in dieters on a low-salt or low-calorie diet, because the ingredients support the liver and kidneys. The B vitamins it contains are also important for an intact nervous system. Due to the trace elements and minerals in the plum, it is a good remedy for depressive moods, a nervous restlessness and stress. Due to the pectin content, the plum also helps against fever and headaches. It protects against high blood pressure and relieves circulatory problems. It is also said to have a positive effect on rheumatism and gout. Regular consumption also prevents hardening of the arteries. Due to the particularly high fructose content, they provide energy quickly. On beauty plum also has a positive effect, because it supports the formation of collagen and tightening of the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Ingredients and nutritional values

Plums are composed largely of water. In addition, they are composed of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, fruit acid and a small amount of fats. In addition, plums contain important minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and copper, as well as many valuable B vitamins, vitamins C and E, and provitamin A. Plums have a particularly high fructose content. Plums contain the most sugar of all varieties. The calorie content of plums is somewhat higher compared to other fruits, at about 46 calories per 100 grams of plums. Prunes contain even more calories significantly, as here are about 220 calories for 100 grams.

Intolerances and allergies

The plum contains a lot of fructose. This makes it on the one hand a quick energy supplier, but on the other hand for people who suffer from a

Fructose intolerance suffer, incompatible. Fruit must always be ripe, otherwise the digestive system has a hard time with it and stomach pain, flatulence, nausea or diarrhea can occur. People who are older or have a sensitive stomach should choose plums, as they have a softer outer skin. The firm skin of other varieties, on the other hand, must be thoroughly chewed and crushed so that it is not so difficult to digest.

Shopping and kitchen tips

When buying plums, make sure they are fully ripe and pleasantly fragrant. They should yield slightly to light pressure. Soft, overripe plums are often infested with worms. If the fruits are still too hard, this indicates immaturity. Fresh fruits have a whitish film on the skin. However, this waxy film should be washed off just before eating, otherwise the fruit will dry out too quickly. Ripe plums are deep reddish-bluish and ripe plums are dark blue. Depending on the plum variety, they will keep in the refrigerator for up to a week. Ideally, they should be stored in a plastic bag with holes in it. Already pitted, they can also be frozen and will keep for a maximum of one year. Stoning in advance is important, otherwise the plums taste bitter after thawing. Green-skinned fruits ripen without problems if they are placed in the sun at room temperature for three days, for example on a windowsill. To prevent the fruits from losing water, it is recommended to wrap them in a damp cloth. The plum seeds should not be eaten because of the toxic prussic acid content.

Preparation tips

The plum can be used in many ways. For the preparation, it is necessary to wash it first. After that, it can be easily processed with a pointed knife. Plums are suitable for eating raw or for making a cake. For the latter, plums are often used. These retain their shape and consistency during baking. Fresh plum cake with crumble and whipped cream is an absolute delight. Immediately after eating fresh plums should not drink anything, otherwise digestion will be stimulated to a great extent, because the plum is known as a laxative. Cooked, plums are ideal for the preparation of compote, jam or jelly. For this, they should be mixed with sugar in advance so that they can draw enough of their own juice. A roll with plum jam is a perfect start to the day. A classic is also the plum jam, which is made from ripe plums, sugar as well as various spices, which can vary a little according to your needs. Plums also go well in sauce, for example with pork, poultry or game. A tasty plum sauce also goes very well with chicken or duck. However, the fruit should not be cooked for too long, otherwise they lose their flavor. Plums go well with savory dishes, for example prunes with Kassler. In Austria, plum dumplings are very popular.