Water gymnastics

Water gymnastics (aquafitness) includes gymnastic exercises and is practiced in normal swimming pools and also in non-swimmer pools. It is suitable for children, adults and seniors. Even obese people can benefit from aqua gymnastics because fat burning is stimulated. The buoyancy of the water makes it possible to do endurance and strength exercises with less … Water gymnastics

Summary | Water gymnastics

Summary Water gymnastics makes it possible to reduce stress on joints, discs, bones and other structures involved. This is crucial, since certain diseases such as osteoporosis, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc lesions, knee TEPs, hip TEPs, muscle atrophies and many more may not allow normal training on land. In addition, the water buoyancy and water … Summary | Water gymnastics

Rowing standing up with the Theraband

“Rowing standing up” Stand with your knees slightly bent, hip-wide. Fix a theraband around a door- window handle. Pull both ends backwards at shoulder height as if you were rowing. Your upper body will actively straighten up by lifting your sternum and pulling your shoulders backwards/downwards. Perform two sets of 15 repetitions each. Continue with … Rowing standing up with the Theraband

Hyperextension Exercise for Thoracic Spine Diseases

Hyperextension lying: Go into the prone position. Your gaze is constantly directed downwards and your toes keep contact with the floor. Keep both arms in the air with bent elbows parallel to the floor. Now pull your elbows towards your upper body and straighten your upper body. The feet remain on the floor and the … Hyperextension Exercise for Thoracic Spine Diseases

5 exercise

“Sitting knee extension” You sit on the floor and adjust your knees. A lower leg is stretched without the knee sagging. Both knees remain at the same level during the exercise. To strengthen the medial parts, the foot is stretched with the inner edge upwards. Do the whole thing 15 times in 3 sets per … 5 exercise

4 Exercise

“Striking out” In this exercise, adhesives are “rolled out”. To treat the left knee, lie on your left side in lateral position. The right leg is placed on the floor behind the left leg for stabilization. Now the outside of the knee is placed on the roll and “rolled out”. This can be a bit … 4 Exercise

Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

A hunchback is a false position or malposition of the spine. The thoracic spine is bent too much, so that it arches backwards. Often this also changes the position of our lumbar spine. Here we usually find an increased hollow back. In technical terminology, increased flexion is referred to as increased kyphosis and hollow back … Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

Possible causes | Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

Possible causes A hunchback can be caused by changes in the vertebrae due to certain diseases such as osteoporosis, Bechterew’s disease or Scheuermann’s disease, but also long-term bad posture in everyday life or heavy loads such as heavy lifting in front of the body can promote a hunchback. This leads to a change in the … Possible causes | Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

Exercises for a foot lifter paresis

Foot lifter paresis is a paralysis of the muscles responsible for lifting the foot. These are muscles that are located at the front of the lower leg and pull over the ankle joint to the foot. These muscles are called the anterior tibialis muscle, the extensor digitorum longus muscle and the extensor hallucis longus muscle … Exercises for a foot lifter paresis