Polymenorrhea: Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target

Normalization of the cycle interval when polymenorrhea is perceived as a burden, leads to anemia (anemia), contraceptive desire (desire to use birth control), chronic anovulation (failure to ovulate), or desire to have children.

Therapy recommendations

  • Contraceptive desire (estrogen-progestin combinations: e.g., birth control pills).
  • Chronic anovulation and desire to normalize the cycle interval (progestogen monopreparations, oral).
  • Estrogen deficiency and desire to normalize the cycle interval (combined estrogen/progestin combination preparations (single-phase preparations, step preparations), contraceptives: birth control pills).
  • Anovulation and desire for children (follicle maturation/ovule maturation, ovulation triggering/ovulation triggering, in vitro fertilization); see below desire for children, woman.