PPS: the Post-Polio Syndrome

Getting poliomyelitis, also known as polio, as a child was a terrifying experience for many sufferers. The viral disease, which affects the nervous system and causes paralysis of the arms and legs as well as the respiratory system, had led to millions of cases annually worldwide in the 1950s and 1960s. Well over 100 sufferers died each year in Germany alone.

Decline in polio due to vaccination

It was not until vaccination against polio was introduced in 1955 that the disease began to decline. Through vaccination, the World Health Organization aims to eradicate the disease completely. Initial successes, however, are currently being challenged by vaccination fatigue and political boycotts in some developing countries.

Late effects often delayed for many years

Many of those formerly afflicted with polio survived their disease well at the time and go on to live symptom-free lives. But for nearly 80,000 people in Germany, this is not the case: they suffer from the late effects of their disease, post-polio syndrome (PPS). Although the late effects of polio were reported in France as early as 1875, this and other information from the Netherlands and Spain were completely forgotten. The almost complete eradication of polio in Europe also caused the disease to be almost completely forgotten by physicians and medical professionals.

Post-polio syndrome symptoms.

The general symptoms of late polio are:

  • Excessive fatigue that cannot be explained by physical exertion
  • Loss of strength and endurance
  • Pain in the muscles and / or joints
  • Problems with breathing, swallowing and speaking.

Diagnosis often very lengthy

These symptoms reappear only after a long time – one speaks of periods between 10 and 20 years. Because the knowledge of the acute disease is hardly present, there is also a lack of knowledge about its late effects. Patients who consult a doctor 30 years after they have been through polio with severe symptoms of fatigue and joint pain often need a lot of patience until there is a confirmed diagnosis. The diagnosis of post-polio syndrome (PPS) is difficult. Two prerequisites for diagnosis must be present in any case:

  • The patient must have undergone polio disease
  • He must have been symptom-free for at least 10 years

Causes of PPS unclear

There is still considerable speculation about the causes of the late effects, which can occur with varying severity depending on the patient. One hypothesis is that the late effects are due to a second, slowly progressive phase of degeneration that occurs many years after the initial infection. It is also discussed whether the virus remains in the nerve cells and becomes active again years later for reasons that are as yet unclear. It is also possible that another viral infection leads to a new outbreak of the disease in an attenuated form, which is then not contagious. Various studies currently indicate that the immune status of patients is altered after they have been through polio and that, in general, post-polio patients are more likely to have inflammatory processes in muscle tissue. In addition, it is known that the muscles of polio patients fatigue sooner and more intensively and require much longer recovery periods than those of non-polio patients. It is particularly important for those affected that their complaints are not dismissed as degenerative signs of old age – even though the age of most patients certainly allows this thought. Anyone who knows that they had polio as a child should tell their doctor immediately. Diagnosis may then be easier.

Therapy of post-polio syndrome.

The therapy of the symptoms is as individual as the different symptomatology of each sufferer. In general, the following points must be observed:

  • Protection of the attacked musculature
  • Possibly change the working and living environment
  • Vitamin D
  • Targeted physiotherapy for relief
  • Respiratory therapy and support for chewing and swallowing functions.
  • Generally healthy diet and adequate sleep

For many patients, the late effects are an extremely painful reminder of a dramatic disease that can only be completely eradicated if polio is vaccinated nationwide.There is no other protection against the disease – and its late effects.