Prognosis | Canine tooth broken off


No general statement can be made about the prognosis, since each patient situation must be assessed individually. In general, however, the less of the patient’s own tooth substance is broken off, the better the chances of retaining the tooth. It is also an advantage if the tooth cavity (pulp) is not affected by the fracture.

Then there is an almost 100% chance of healing. However, as soon as the pulp is opened by the fracture and the tooth nerve is irritated, root canal treatment is necessary. Then the prognosis decreases, because the root canal treatment is only an attempt to preserve the tooth. Its probability of success is between 70 and 90%.


The resulting costs depend on how the canine is treated. If only a small piece is broken off, a free plastic filling is sufficient. However, if a crown with a pin structure is necessary, the restoration can be quite expensive.

A non-precious metal crown (NEM) veneered in the visible area starts at about 200€. Depending on the material, the prices can rise considerably. If the tooth can no longer be preserved and is extracted, the gap must be filled by a bridge, a prosthesis or an implant.

Costs for a simple bridge start at 300€. If there is already a prosthesis in place, it may be possible to extend it at a reasonable cost. Sometimes a new prosthesis has to be made, this increases the costs considerably.

For a single tooth implant, costs of around 1000€ can be expected.Every dentist charges different prices for a restoration, depending on his expertise and the material used as well as the dental laboratory. The statutory health insurance always pays for the standard care, and if the bonus booklet is properly kept, the patient’s own contribution is reduced by a further 10 or 15%.