Prophylaxis | Psoriasis


There is no prophylaxis to prevent the first outbreak of this disease. However, certain risk factors such as smoking and overweight can be avoided. Episodes can be delayed by following a healthy lifestyle.

Smoking and alcohol should be avoided. Nutritionally, so-called omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect. These fatty acids are mainly found in fish.

Also beta-carotene, which is mainly contained in carrots, seems to bring a certain improvement. Good skin care is important – even in times and hygiene without complaints. Relaxation exercises such as progressive muscle relaxation can also delay the onset of a relapse. The individual approach to the disease can also have an influence.

The history of psoriasis

The first descriptions of psoriasis can be found in the ancient Greeks. At that time, however, this disease was confused with contagious leprosy. The disease has appeared again and again throughout history.

However, it was first described as an independent skin disease in 1841 by an Austrian dermatologist (doctor of dermatology). He was the first to clearly distinguish psoriasis from leprosy.