Prosthesis Care
The cost of a dental prosthesis can vary within a certain range from dentist to dentist, but is subsidized by the health insurance company. The subsidy of the health insurance company can be increased by keeping a bonus booklet. The total amount is made up of three pillars.
These are the dentist’s fee costs, the costs for the laboratory and material costs. For the lower jaw you can expect an average of 460-520 €, of which the insurance company covers about 320 € (without bonus). With bonus, the health insurance portion is increased.
The anatomical structure of the lower jaw
The bony base in the lower jaw is formed by the alveolar process of the mandible. Similar to the upper jaw, the tooth pockets in the lower jaw ossify over time. The structures are also covered by an immovable mucous membrane.
This is also called fibrous marginal zone. Further towards the rachis, in the area of the wisdom teeth, there is a pear-shaped bone bulge, the trigonum retromolare. In the area of the cheek teeth there is a bony edge.
This edge serves as the base of the mylohyoid muscle. In addition, the sublingual carunculae (ducts of two large salivary glands) and the mental foramen, through which the inferior alveolar nerve leaves the bone, are also found in the lower jaw.