Questions and Answers About Rheumatism

Everyone talks about “rheumatism.” But everyone means something different by it, because the “Rheumatische Formenkreis” includes more than 100 different diseases. Among the most common diseases are chronic joint inflammation and the so-called “soft tissue rheumatism“. Osteoarthritis – also known as degenerative rheumatism – refers to signs of wear and tear in the joints. They are caused by overload or incorrect load, incorrect posture and congenital misalignment of joints.

Frequently asked questions about rheumatism

How common is rheumatism?

About 1% of the population suffers from rheumatism. Women are affected three times more often than men.

Is it possible to predict the course of chronic polyarthritis?

In individual cases, this is not possible with certainty. The doctor can make statements on the basis of the form, e.g. “old-age polyarthritis“, as to how this form progresses in the majority of those affected – however, this does not allow an exact conclusion to be drawn about the individual case. Further indications of the course are provided by the activity of the disease, which is determined on the basis of laboratory tests and complaints, as well as the involvement of other organs. In general, it can be said that severe courses are not the rule, but rather the exception.

Are there special doctors for rheumatism?

Yes, there are doctors specially trained for rheumatic diseases, the rheumatologists. In almost all large clinics as well as in specialized hospitals, one can also be treated by rheumatologists on an outpatient basis. In the meantime, there are also rheumatologists in private practice, especially in large cities.

How dangerous are the non-steroidal anti-rheumatic drugs?

The noncortisone antirheumatic drugs can have serious side effects on the stomach (e.g., stomach bleeding). The risk of such side effects depends mainly on the dose, the period of treatment, the age of the patient and other diseases. The intake as well as the additional intake of over-the-counter painkillers should therefore always be discussed with the doctor.

How dangerous is cortisone?

The side effect rate of cortisone is generally overestimated. This is a result of the use of this drug in excessively high doses in the past. High doses of cortisone given over a long period of time can actually lead to significant side effects, e.g., weight gain, osteoporosis, gastric bleeding. Lessons have been learned from this. Today, high doses of cortisone are used only for short periods of time, or low doses are used over a longer period of time. If medical advice is followed carefully, the efficacy and tolerability of this treatment is very good.

Which of the numerous non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is best?

It is difficult to predict which of the drugs in this group is best in an individual case. Effect and tolerability vary from patient to patient. In most cases, different ones have to be tested for their individual effectiveness – but always only after consultation with the doctor.

How can one check what to make of “rheumatism miracle cures”?

Medications or procedures advertised as “miracle cures” usually do not deliver what is promised in full. Skepticism is appropriate. Best one speaks openly with its physician about it or one asks with appropriate groups of self-helps e.g. the rheumatism league.