Rheumatism: Causes and Development

While in degenerative diseases there is an imbalance between the load and the load-bearing capacity of a joint (easily imaginable in the case of obesity), in soft tissue rheumatism it is still unclear what exactly triggers the disease. At the moment, it is assumed that genetic influences play a role – just as in inflammatory rheumatic diseases, in which the immune system reacts by forming antibodies against body components.

Rheumatoid arthritis and metabolic diseases.

In rheumatoid arthritis and collagenoses/vasculitides – which are diseases of connective tissue and blood vessels – certain docking sites are mistakenly formed on the body’s cells (HLA receptors), which are presented to the immune system as targets. Thus, the immune system recognizes the body’s own cells (of joints, skin, vessels or digestive tract) as the enemy.

In the case of metabolic diseases, on the other hand, too much uric acid (as in gout) or too little calcium and vitamin D (as in osteoporosis) lead to changes in the bones or joints. In addition, back or neck pain can also be caused by an incorrect load (incorrect sitting, one-sided load) or tension in the muscles – lumbago or lumbago are the consequences.

How do rheumatic diseases manifest themselves?

Pain – whether in joints or in muscles, tendons and ligaments – is the main symptom of rheumatic diseases. The pain varies depending on the disease and the person affected, and usually results in restricted movement. In addition, complaints in other organs are also possible – especially in connective tissue diseases. Thus, dry eyes are found in Sjögren’s syndrome, reddened skin areas in lupus disease, and decreasing elasticity of the skin, tongue, and esophagus in scleroderma.