Side effect | Sinupret Extract

Side effect

The occurrence of side effects after taking Sinupret extract is rare. The most common (1-10 out of 100 patients) may be gastrointestinal problems. These may include nausea, flatulence, diarrhoea, dry mouth and stomach pain.

In addition, occasional (1-10 out of 1000 patients) hypersensitivity reactions in the skin area (rash, redness) and dizziness may occur. Hypersensitivity reactions are intolerance to individual ingredients of Sinupret extract. Other side effects have not yet been reported.It should be noted that the tablets contain additional ingredients that can be found in the package insert. These are, among other things, glucose and sucrose, which should be taken into account in case of known intolerances to sugar. After the occurrence of side effects, a doctor should be consulted immediately and the further intake of the medication discussed.


To date, no studies on systematic interactions of Sinupret extract with other drugs have been conducted. Possible interactions have not yet been reported. However, interactions cannot be ruled out due to absorption in the intestine, metabolism in the body and transport in the blood. If any symptoms associated with taking Sinupret extract occur, a doctor should be consulted immediately. The patient should inform the doctor about taking any other medicines.


An absolute exclusion reason for the use of Sinupret Extract is hypersensitivity to one of the ingredients. Sinupret Extract must not be used even if you have known stomach or duodenal ulcers. Although stomach inflammation is not an absolute contraindication, it should be closely monitored if Sinupret Extract is to be taken. Sinupret Extract should not be used if you have a very rare inherited fructose intolerance or a glucose-galactose uptake disorder, as it contains various sugars in addition to the active ingredients.


Sinupret extract is taken in the form of tablets. In order to ensure efficacy, the dosage described in the package insert should be followed. One tablet of Sinupret extract should be taken three times a day (morning, noon, evening) without chewing and with a sip of water.

It can be taken independently of meals, but if you have a sensitive stomach, it is recommended to take it after meals. There are no data available on adjusting the dose for kidney and liver dysfunction. Sinupret extract should be used for a maximum period of 7 to 14 days. If the existing symptoms have not improved or worsened after this period, a doctor should be consulted to investigate other possible causes of sinusitis.