Strength training exercises

During a strength training, all parts of the body can be trained through various exercises. There are exercises for the shoulder and neck area, for the arms, for the upper body and trunk, for the abdominal and back muscles, for the buttocks, thighs and calves.

General information

Before you start a strength training, you should warm up your body accordingly to prepare the muscles for the coming loads and prevent injuries. In general, you should never do a strength training under time pressure, but take enough time for each exercise. This is the only way to ensure that the exercises are performed correctly.

Incorrect execution can cause pain and injuries. All exercises should be done on both sides, so that both arms and both legs are always trained in the same way. On the other hand one should make sure to always train agonist and antagonist equally.

The agonist is the “player” (e.g. biceps) and the antagonist is the “opponent” (e.g. triceps). These are the anatomically opposite muscles that support each other.

The agonist flexes the joint and the antagonist stretches the joint and thus performs the counter movement. A good and correct training includes correct breathing. When you are tensed, you breathe out.

This can be easily remembered by the two “A” at the beginning of the words. When relaxing, you breathe in, here both words begin with “E”. Other important aspects are pauses, which should be sufficiently observed.

During training, you should also remember to drink enough fluids, as you can lose a lot of fluid through sweating. If you feel flabby or ill before a workout, it is better to skip the workout and get a complete recovery first. In the worst case, a delayed cold can lead to a serious heart muscle inflammation. In the following, exercises for all parts of the body are presented before a paragraph on exercises without equipment follows at the end.