Side effects of procaine


Procaine is a local anesthetic for local anesthesia. It is short-acting and only works at the place where it is brought under the skin. Normally, under correct application, there are no side effects.

The only side effect that may occur under proper application is an allergic reaction in case of hypersensitivity to the procaine or other ingredients. Side effects may occur if the active ingredient is not administered properly. For example, this can occur in the case of accidental intravenous injection, such as rapid reaction in an emergency. This can cause side effects in the central nervous system or the cardiovascular system.

What side effects can occur with procaine?

Side effects can occur primarily in the central nervous system (CNS) and the cardiovascular system. These are the most important side effects, as they can become very dangerous and require a quick countermeasure. If procaine is administered intravenously, it can lower the cramping threshold in the CNS.

This means that these patients can start cramping more quickly. In addition, they may experience sensory disturbances around the mouth, slurred speech, impaired vision or, in the worst case, respiratory arrest and coma. The side effects of the cardiovascular system include a reduction in heart strength, heart rate and electrical conduction.

In the extreme case of a blockage of the heart stimulation it may be necessary to carry out a resuscitation. corresponds and is usually subject to resuscitation. Furthermore, the blood vessels may dilate, which can lead to a so-called flush (reddening of the skin with a hot flush) and, in the further course, to the leakage of fluid into the intercellular space.

In extreme cases, the dilation of the blood vessels can lead to shock. Hives is a skin reaction that is usually caused by allergies. These are wheals that appear on the skin and can persist for a few hours to weeks.

This is accompanied by severe itching. Hives can be triggered by an allergic reaction to procaine. This leads to the formation of wheals in the region into which the drug has been injected.

If this side effect occurs, the patient should switch to another local anesthetic, but the skin reaction alone is not dangerous or life-threatening. Oedema refers to an accumulation of water outside the vessels, i.e. in the so-called intercellular space. Edema can occur due to dilation of the vessels in response to procaine.

This causes fluid to pass from the dilated vessels into the interstitial space. This is dangerous because the fluid in the vessels is missing, which can lead to a decrease in circulation. If edema occurs after treatment with procaine, it should be checked whether the local anaesthetic was accidentally applied to the vessels.

If so, the supply of the substance should be stopped and countermeasures taken. In the same way as just described, a swelling of mucous membranes can also occur. This is dangerous in the area of the larynx and epiglottis, as well as in the tongue and oral mucosa, as these edemas can block the airways.

This can happen either because of the dilated blood vessels or because of an allergic reaction to procaine. Breathlessness usually develops due to the swelling of the mucous membranes. If the epiglottis, larynx or tongue become swollen, this can lead to the airways being blocked and normal inhalation is no longer possible.

This can be counteracted with drugs such as adrenaline or histamine blockers. If this does not help, a criotomy (larynx incision) must be considered. Itching can occur when using procaine.

This can either be caused by an allergic skin reaction with hives, or it can lead to local vascular dilatation. This leads to local redness and can also cause itching. Cardiac arrhythmia is a dangerous and serious side effect of all local anesthetics.

These can occur if the active ingredient is accidentally injected intravenously instead of under the skin. The active ingredient enters the heart through the veins. Here, the excitation of the heart is disturbed, causing the heart to beat slower and weaker.

If this disturbance of heart excitation is very pronounced, resuscitation may be necessary. In addition, AV block°3 may occur, which corresponds to a functional cardiac arrest. The heart rate drops to 20 beats per minute.In most cases, resuscitation is required for AV-Block°3.

If procaine is administered via a vein, discomfort may also occur in the area of the mouth. This is because the nerves around the mouth are blocked: This leads to tingling and other sensations. An allergic reaction can also cause sensations.

Dizziness is another symptom of procaine overdose or misapplication. It is a consequence of the side effects that affect the CNS and occurs when too much procaine flows into the CNS. This is also a serious side effect of a local anesthetic.

In case of symptoms of dizziness it should also be checked if the drug was accidentally injected into the vein and the consumption should be stopped immediately. Dizziness is a warning symptom here. As a rule, procaine does not cause gastrointestinal symptoms. Therefore stomach pain is not a typical side effect of procaine.