Homeopathy for influenza

The symptoms of influenza appear within a short time. These include an increase in body temperature up to 40°C with usually accompanying chills. In addition, there is a dry cough and severe pain in the area of the head, neck and limbs.

The symptoms are accompanied by a feeling of severe fatigue. The flu is caused by the influenza virus. It occurs preferably between November and March, as the cold air in these winter months makes the body more susceptible to the viruses. The duration of an influenza can last up to three weeks. If it occurs in children, pregnant women or elderly people, a doctor should always be consulted.

These homeopathics are used

The following homeopathics can be used in the case of influenza:

  • Aconitum napellus
  • Ammonium chloratum
  • Asarum
  • Belladonna
  • Camphora
  • China officinnalis
  • Sulcamara
  • Eucalyptus
  • Eupatorium purpureum
  • Quassia amara
  • Sabadilla

When to use it: Aconitum napellus can be used in many different ways. It is used for sore throats and earaches, as well as for infections of the bladder (cystitis) or insomnia. Effect: The homeopathic remedy has a regulating effect on the immune system.

It leads to reduction of pain and feeling of exhaustion. Dosage: Aconitum napellus is recommended to be taken several times a day with potency D6 for own use and acute symptoms. When to use: Ammonium chloratum is a homeopathic medication used mainly for digestive disorders, sciatic pain, flu and tonsillitis.

Effect: The homeopathic remedy has a soothing effect on coughs and leads to a reduction of the coughing stimulus. It can also have a regulating effect on pain. Dosage: For taking the homeopathic remedy the potencies D6 or D12 are recommended.

When to use: Asarum can be used in many ways as a homeopathic agent. It can be used for nausea and vomiting, as well as for flu or urination problems. Effect: The homeopathic agent has a regulating effect on various metabolic processes of the body.

Dosage: For independent use, the dosage of Asarum with potencies D6 or D12 is recommended several times a day. When to use: Belladonna is a homeopathic remedy, which is preferably used in acute flu with sore throat and cough. Toothache or sunstroke can also be areas of application.

Effect: The effect of belladonna usually manifests itself relatively quickly, which is why it is often used for acute flu symptoms. It has a soothing effect on fever and pain and helps to regulate the immune system. Dosage: The dosage of belladonna is recommended for independent use with the potencies D6 or D12 for use in acute symptoms.

When to use: Camphora can be used for respiratory and circulatory problems. It is also used for pain in muscles and limbs, as well as for influenza. Effect: The homeopathic remedy has a stimulating and driving effect on the blood circulation and the cardiovascular system.

In addition, it has a liberating effect in cases of breathing difficulties, as it relieves existing cramps of the respiratory tract. Dosage: For the dosage of Camphora the potencies D6 or D12 are recommended when taken on its own. When to use: The homeopathic remedy China officinalis is used for gastrointestinal tract complaints such as diarrhea or flatulence.

It can also be used in cases of influenza. Effect: China officinalis has a supporting effect on the circulation. It is particularly effective in cases of loss of a lot of fluid, as is often the case with flu due to increased sweating.

Dosage: The homeopathic China officinalis should be taken with the potencies D6 or D12 in case of acute flu. When to use: Dulcamara is a homeopathic drug that is preferably used for flu, earache or back pain. Also infections of the urinary tract or hay fever can be treated with it.

Effect: The homeopathic remedy is particularly effective in cases of general exhaustion and supports the immune system. It has a decongestant effect on irritated mucous membranes. Dosage: Dulcamara should be used for acute flu symptoms with potencies D6 or D12.

When to use: Eucalyptus can be used for various complaints. These include fever, sore muscles, acne, as well as burns or complaints of the gallbladder.Effect: The homeopathic remedy can have a decongestant and soothing effect on irritated mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It also leads to a regulation of the body temperature.

Dosage: Eucalyptus can be used as an oil for sore throat. In this case a medicinal bath or direct application of the oil on the neck or chest area is recommended. When to use: The homeopathic remedy Eupatorium purpureum can be used for stomach complaints, as well as for limb, head and back pain.

Effect: The homeopathic remedy has a pain-relieving effect in the area of muscles and joints. It provides a solution to existing cramps and can thus relieve the often accompanying symptoms of limb and headaches caused by flu. Dosage: The dosage of Eupatorium purpureum should be taken several times a day in the case of an independent treatment of influenza with the potencies D6 or D12.

When to use: Quassia amara is a homeopathic remedy that works especially well for digestive tract or liver complaints. It can also be used for influenza. Effect: The effect of Quassia amara is versatile and is based on supporting various metabolic processes of the body.

For many people it has a soothing effect on aching limbs and muscles. Dosage: The homeopathic drug should be used in an independent treatment of influenza with the potencies D6 or D12. When to use: Sabadilla is a homeopathic drug used in many ways.

It is used to treat cardiac arrhythmia and dizziness, as well as hay fever, flu or stomach pain. Effect: The homeopathic remedy has a regulating and supporting effect on the cardiovascular system. This promotes the blood circulation in the body and supports the immune system. Dosage: Sabadilla is recommended for acute flu symptoms with the intake of the globules in potencies D6 or D12.