Spotting During Pregnancy – What’s Behind It

Spotting in pregnancy: description

Spotting in pregnant women usually occurs in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Between 20 and 30 percent of all pregnant women experience spotting during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. The trigger is often the pregnancy-related hormonal changes. Such harmless bleeding is usually weak and stops on its own.

Heavy, sometimes even gushing bleeding in pregnant women can be distinguished from spotting. You can read more about this in the article Bleeding during pregnancy.

Spotting in pregnancy: causes

Here is an overview of common forms and causes of spotting in pregnancy:

  • Spotting during the first three months of pregnancy: They can occur again and again at the time of the earlier menstruation. This is because the body often still releases the hormones of cycle regulation despite pregnancy.
  • Extrauterine pregnancy: If the egg cell mistakenly nests outside the uterus, for example in the fallopian tube (tubal pregnancy) or in the abdominal cavity (ectopic pregnancy), it can be dangerous. In addition to severe abdominal pain, frequent, sometimes watery spotting is an alarm signal. In the case of an extrauterine pregnancy, the embryo must be removed as quickly as possible.
  • Bladder mole: This is a rare bladder-shaped malformation of the placenta in which the embryo does not develop. Spotting of varying length and severity, as well as dizziness and nausea, are typical complaints.
  • Placenta praevia: If painless, bright red bleeding occurs from the 24th week of pregnancy onwards, this may indicate an incorrect position of the placenta. The placenta covers the inner cervix more or less completely.
  • Beginning of labor: spotting from the 36th week of pregnancy may indicate the beginning of labor.
  • Gynecological diseases: for example, polyps or inflammation of the cervix, vaginitis.

Spotting in pregnancy: when do you need to see a doctor?

You should always take spotting during pregnancy seriously. Consult your gynecologist even if the bleeding is weak. Immediate medical treatment is necessary in the following cases:

  • @ additional symptoms such as severe abdominal pain/cramps, fever, chills, rapid heartbeat, lightheadedness, fainting

If you do not have these alarm signals, it is usually sufficient to consult your gynecologist within the next 48 to 72 hours.

If you are unsure, it is best to seek gynecological advice immediately – call your gynecologist or visit a gynecological outpatient clinic.

Spotting during pregnancy: what does the doctor do?

This is followed by a physical examination. Here the doctor can examine your vagina, cervix and uterus for possible changes.


Once the gynecologist has determined the cause of spotting during pregnancy, the appropriate therapy will follow, if necessary. Examples:

  • If a miscarriage was the reason for the bleeding, the physician removes the remaining tissue from the uterus. If blood loss is very severe, the woman receives a blood transfusion.
  • If a miscarriage or placental abruption is imminent, the woman must be on strict bed rest.

Whether and what treatment is given for spotting during pregnancy is decided by the gynecologist on a case-by-case basis.