Strabismus (Crossed Eyes): Surgical Therapy

Surgery for early childhood strabismus should be performed only after occlusion treatment (alternate bonding of the eyes so that the squinting eye also retains its vision) has been successfully performed.

Timing of surgery:

  • Early surgery in infancy, two to three years of age, supports the development of binocular vision (binocular vision).
  • Later surgery in the 5th to 6th year of life allows a more detailed examination, indication and dosage of the procedure.

Whether early or late surgery is considered, must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. In any case, strabismus surgery should be done before enrollment.

Strabismus surgery: in strabismus surgery, the position of the eye at rest is changed by muscle shifts. The surgery affects the mobility and position of the eyes in relation to each other and aims to reduce the size of the squint angle as much as is most appropriate for functional reasons.