Where are the contractions painful? | Pain in labour

Where are the contractions painful?

Pain in labor is felt directly at the uterus, i.e. in the lower abdomen, especially in the opening phase of birth. The cramping pain can sometimes have a stabbing or pulling character. As the intensity and frequency of the contractions increase, the character of the pain also changes. As the child enters the birth canal, the pain shifts further and further into the pelvis and lumbar spine. In particular, the last phase of labor with the passage of the child through the birth canal leads to sometimes tearing pain in the pelvis, perineum and lumbar spine.

Can you feel labor pains without pregnancy?

Contractions are defined as muscle contractions that occur during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Therefore, one cannot feel real pain in labor without being pregnant. However, there may of course be other reasons for the occurrence of pain in the uterus. These are not, however, contractions pains. Possible reasons for severe abdominal pain include tumours, endometriosis, infections or injuries.

How can you simulate labor pains in a man?

Contraction pains cannot be simulated in men without further ado.After the appearance of some men in tabloid television shows, the question of such a simulation is asked more often. In the relevant programs, test subjects were given artificial “contractions” by electrostimulation using electrodes on the abdominal muscles. The result was severe pain and amusement for the viewers.

Such a device can neither be purchased nor recommended by us. Thus, pain in labor cannot be simulated in men.