Swelling on the Neck: Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

Swelling of the neck: description

Swelling of the neck may develop for various reasons. Accordingly, such swellings are also variable in terms of their characteristics such as location, size, firmness and speed of development.

In some cases, a thick neck disappears on its own, for example, in the case of nonspecific lymph node enlargement, when the causative infection has healed. In other cases, medical treatment is necessary, such as when the swelling in the neck is due to thyroid disease or a tumor.

Swelling of the neck: causes and possible diseases

The main causes of swelling in the neck are:

Nonspecific lymphadenitis: Painful, lateral swelling in the neck is often due to nonspecific lymphadenitis resulting from a bacterial or viral infection in the head (e.g., pharyngitis).

Cervical cyst, cervical fistula: Cysts are fluid-filled tissue cavities; if there is a small opening in the skin from which secretions constantly escape, this is called a cervical fistula. Neck cysts and neck fistulas may also be visible as a bump on the neck. They appear as a bulging swelling above the larynx (median neck cyst) or laterally on the neck in the angle of the jaw (lateral neck cyst). When inflamed, the neck cysts are painful and the overlying skin is red.

Abscess: Swelling of the neck may also be due to an encapsulated collection of pus.

Thyroid enlargement or thyroid nodule (goiter): Behind a swelling in the neck is often an overall enlarged thyroid gland or else a nodule in the thyroid gland. Possible causes are iodine deficiency, increased need for thyroid hormones (puberty, pregnancy), autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland (Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), thyroiditis, taking certain medications or thyroid cancer.

Diseases of the salivary glands: a usually unilateral, painful swelling on the neck under the ear with hot, reddened skin indicates an enlarged, inflamed parotid gland. Other salivary glands may also become inflamed and cause swelling. Acute salivary gland inflammation is usually caused by bacteria or viruses (e.g. mumps).

Lymph node metastases: In cancer patients, swelling in the neck may indicate metastasis of the malignant tumor to the lymph nodes. The affected lymph nodes enlarge slowly, feel coarse, cannot be moved, and rarely hurt.

Lymph node cancer (malignant lymphoma): Swelling in the neck, armpits, or groin due to enlarged lymph nodes may be a sign of lymphoma. The neck swelling usually occurs in combination with night sweats, fatigue, and itching. However, this type of cancer is rare in adults compared to other types of cancer.

Other tumors in the neck: Other tumors can also be considered as causes of swelling in the neck. For example, a cystic lymphangioma can cause a lateral bump on the neck. The tumor consists of many lymph cysts, some of which communicate.

Swelling in the neck: When should you see a doctor?

Symptom: What does the doctor do?

At the beginning, the doctor will ask you in detail about your medical history. It is important, for example, when the swelling in the neck occurred and whether there are other complaints (such as fever). This is followed by a physical examination. Here, the doctor examines, for example, whether the swelling is hard or soft, displaceable or fixed, painful or painless. In this way, he gains important information about what could be the cause.

An ultrasound examination (sonography) usually quickly provides certainty as to whether the swelling in the neck is due to a cyst, an enlarged lymph node or an abscess, for example. Further imaging procedures (magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomography) or a nuclear medicine examination are usually necessary to clarify possible thyroid diseases.

How the doctor can treat swelling in the neck

Swelling of the neck due to nonspecific lymphadenitis disappears on its own when the underlying infection subsides. In such cases, therefore, one usually waits. Sometimes medications are used to treat the infection. Specific lymphadenitis is treated according to its cause (e.g., antibiotics for tuberculosis).

Medications are used to treat salivary gland inflammation that causes swelling of the neck. A repeatedly inflamed gland may need to be surgically removed.

If the swelling in the neck is caused by a cervical cyst, cervical fistula, or abscess, surgery is also performed.

Jugular vein thrombosis is generally treated with medication.

How the doctor can treat swelling in the neck

Swelling of the neck due to nonspecific lymphadenitis disappears on its own when the underlying infection subsides. In such cases, therefore, one usually waits. Sometimes medications are used to treat the infection. Specific lymphadenitis is treated according to its cause (e.g., antibiotics for tuberculosis).

Medications are used to treat salivary gland inflammation that causes swelling of the neck. A repeatedly inflamed gland may need to be surgically removed.

If the swelling in the neck is caused by a cervical cyst, cervical fistula, or abscess, surgery is also performed.

Jugular vein thrombosis is generally treated with medication.

Cooling compresses also help to reduce swelling and pain in the case of salivary gland inflammation with swelling in the throat. In addition, you should drink sufficient amounts, eat only soft food and pay attention to very careful oral hygiene. In this way, you can support the healing process.

Saliva stimulants: Saliva stimulants (sialogoga) such as candies, chewing gums, lemons and sour juices are also recommended. They stimulate saliva production, which cleanses the salivary glands.

Schuessler salts: In addition, Schüßler salts are said to help against swollen lymph glands in mumps. The most important are No. 4 Kalium chloratum and No. 9 Natrium phosphoricum; in case of strong salivation, No. 8 Natrium chloratum is also given. Check with an experienced therapist to find out which remedy in which dosage will best help your swelling throat.

The effectiveness of homeopathy is controversial and not clearly proven by studies. Alternative medical methods or home remedies can complement, but not replace, conventional medical treatment. If the symptoms persist for a long period of time and do not improve or even get worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.