Symptoms accompanying snoring during pregnancy | Snoring during pregnancy

Symptoms accompanying snoring during pregnancy

Snoring is in principle only a symptom that indicates that the airways of the person concerned are narrowed or blocked for some reason. However, snoring is often accompanied by a psychological fear that snoring could be dangerous for the child or that one could become unattractive for the partner if the snoring continues after the pregnancy. These fears – in most cases unfounded – often lead to stress for the expectant mother, which then affects her mood, relationship and recovery.

However, if the alleged snoring is a form of sleep apnoea, i.e. actual breathing stops during sleep, it often leads to daytime tiredness and general exhaustion. Actual breathing interruptions should not be taken lightly, as they can pose a risk to the mother and the unborn child. Find out what is behind the sleep apnoea syndrome under: Sleep Apnea Syndrome – what is it?

These home remedies can help against snoring during pregnancy

To the home remedies, which promise success in any case, belong normal, decongestant nose drops; not however simple nose drops, which contain only common salt. These only serve to moisten the nasal mucous membranes, but do not ensure that one gets air better. If you do not want to use too strong nasal drops, you can simply use children’s nasal sprays or drops in which the active ingredient is diluted. Special nose plasters can also help. These should help to lift the wings of the nose and thus reopen the airway through the nose, which is constricted by the swollen nasal mucosa.Additional information on the best methods of how to treat snoring can be found at

  • Snoring – What to do?
  • How can snoring be prevented?

Prognosis – Will snoring go away after pregnancy?

As a rule, snoring disappears as quickly and suddenly as it did after pregnancy. When the progesterone level in the body drops again, water retention also decreases and the mucous membranes of the nose and throat also swell again. Bad chances of getting rid of snoring, however, exist in women who already snored before pregnancy. If the pregnancy has caused a massive weight gain, which does not recede even in the months after the pregnancy, it is possible that the weight gain may be the reason for a continuation of snoring, as the stronger body stature may cause a narrowing of the throat area.