Symptoms | Pain in the kneecap


Above the kneecap, pain is usually triggered by the thigh muscles. The quadriceps muscle or its tendon is affected. Here, too, a traumatic (tear) is very rare.

More often, inflammation due to overuse occurs, which can affect the muscle as well as the tendon and the patella. Chronic inflammation can damage the tendon and the patella to such an extent that it tears the tendon or small pieces of bone come loose from the patella, which then die off. Pain below the kneecap is usually caused by the patella tendon.

This can tear as a result of severe trauma or tear completely. However, this occurs only very rarely. More often, continuous stress leads to symptoms of overstrain.

Frequently affected are people who work a lot on their knees (roofers, tilers, other craftsmen, etc.). The many knees cause constant irritation of the patella tendon and the lower part of the kneecap. Diseases associated with damage to the bones can also cause pain below the kneecap.

These include Sinding-Larsen’s disease (patellar tendon and patella) and Osgood-Schlatter’s disease (patellar tendon and tibial plateau). as well as burning sensation in the back of the kneeBehind the kneecap, pain is usually caused by injuries to the patella or femur. For example, such damage can be caused by the kneecap jumping out.

But also a patellal lateralization, in which the patella is slightly displaced outwards, can cause such damage. As a result of the acute stress or the displacement of the patella, the two cartilage layers of the thigh bone and the patella no longer sit on top of each other. Instead, bare bone rubs against the cartilage layer of the other bone.

This results in rapid wear and tear of the cartilage and damage to the bone.Both cause pain behind the kneecap. When climbing stairs, the knee joint is under particular pressure. When climbing stairs, it is mainly the quadriceps muscle, i.e. the knee extensor, that has to work.

Since the tendon of the quadriceps attaches to the kneecap, inflammation and injury to the tendon and the upper patella pole can cause pain when climbing stairs. When descending stairs, the pressure is also applied to the front part of the knee joint. Often, the discomfort occurs more frequently below the kneecap.

Cycling is one of the sports that is easy on the knee. The continuous movement strengthens the musculature and the joint is moved through evenly. In contrast to running sports, however, there is no sudden stress on the knee joint, such as when taking a step.

Whoever feels pain in the kneecap when cycling should therefore have it clarified. They are often due to a severe overloading of the muscles and thus also of the tendons (patella tendon and quadriceps tendon). Arthrosis behind the kneecap can also be the cause.

Jogging is a sport that has a continuous sequence of movements, but still demands a lot from the knee joint. With every step, pressure is built up on the knee joint, which is why even slight damage to the joint can cause pain. Especially if there is any damage to the kneecap itself or the surrounding tendons and muscles, jogging should be paused.