Testicular Pain: Surgical Therapy

The ultima ratio therapy (last resort or last resort) for chronic testicular pain (CTP) is microsurgical denervation (elimination of the connection between the nerve and the associated organ) of the spermatic cord or microsurgical spermatic cord neurolysis (surgery that eliminates the constriction of a nerve and thus the pressure exerted).

In case of post-vasectomy pain, epididymectomy (removal of epididymis) is a surgical treatment option. Beforehand, the pain in the epididymis area must certainly be localized by palpation (palpation) as well as sonography (ultrasound) of the testicle and epididymis. By means of this procedure, a pain-free rate of greater than 90% is possible.Orchiectomy (testicular removal) is discussed as an ultima ratio therapy for post-vasectomy pain.