The duration | Tingling in the hand

The duration

The duration of the complaints varies greatly from individual to individual. With mild symptoms and conservative therapy with the splint and medication, the symptoms can disappear within days to weeks. After surgical treatment, the pain improves immediately and the sensitivity disorders improve within days to weeks.

The prognosis

More than 80% of patients experience symptom relief after carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. However, up to 3% of patients may experience renewed symptoms. Mostly the reason for this is an incomplete severing of the ligament at the wrist.

The local cortisone injection has a stronger effect than oral cortisone, but the splint and the operation are still superior in the long-term effect. The prognosis of polyneuropathy varies greatly from individual to individual. In most cases, the symptoms gradually subside and residual symptoms remain.

Can this also be an indication of a heart attack?

A tingling in the hand is not a classic symptom of a heart attack. Typically, patients experience chest pain that may radiate to the left shoulder and left arm. It is also often described as a feeling of pressure or tightness.

This is accompanied by cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, as well as anxiety or shortness of breath. It is also possible that the pain radiates into the right side of the body. Sensitivity disorders are not a typical symptom, although there can always be individual differences between patients. If a heart attack is suspected, an immediate presentation in the emergency room is necessary.

During pregnancy

Due to the hormone-dependent weight gain and water retention, the median nerve in the wrist can become constricted and cause carpal tunnel syndrome. The symptoms can also occur on both sides. In case of pregnancy, a doctor should always be consulted before taking any medication, as some painkillers are not suitable during pregnancy.

A special wrist splint can be worn at night to relieve the symptoms. In addition, a local cortisone injection in the carpal tunnel canal can relieve the symptoms.