Therapy Menière’s disease | Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Therapy Menière’s disease

It is a first and important step in the therapy of Meniere’s disease to inform the patient about the possibility of reducing the severity of an acute attack by means of effective medication. If this occurs, the patient should remain in bed or lie down due to dizziness to avoid a fall due to the dizziness. Due to the usually short duration of the attack, the administration of short-term medication against nausea and vomiting (antiemetic) is advisable.

These antiemetic drugs include Vomex ® with the active ingredient dimenhydrinate, Paspertin ® with the active ingredient metoclopramide and Peremesin ® with the active ingredient meclizine. In addition to its antiemetic effect, meclozine also has an effect on the organ of equilibrium: dizziness is reduced because the drug keeps stimuli away from the organ of equilibrium and this is calmed down – the dizziness improves. In the acute stage of the disease, the patient is given infusions of substances to stimulate blood flow in the inner ear.

Other drugs are used in the treatment of Meinère’s disease: In addition, diuretics can be given to flush out the fluid retention in the inner ear. Medical care should also be given to the patient during the interval between Menière’s seizures, when the patient has no symptoms. Balance exercises can be incorporated into the therapy program of the Menière’s patient, so that no general insecurity in standing and walking develops.

Safety in movement is thus promoted or can be regained. If, despite conservative therapeutic measures, it is not possible to achieve the cessation of dizziness attacks, a surgical intervention should be considered, by which the organ of hearing and/or balance is switched off (see prophylaxis).

  • Betahistine, also known as 2-(2-methylaminoethyl)pyridine, is a medicine for nausea, vomiting and dizziness. It is administered orally and is used to treat Menière’s disease and non-specific dizziness.The active ingredient with the trade names Aequamen ® , Vasomotal ® is intended to improve the blood flow to the inner ear and stabilize the central vestibular regulation, thus improving dizziness.
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  • Cinnarizine, which also has a blood circulation-promoting effect.