These home remedies can help | The Morton Neurom

These home remedies can help

Depending on the underlying cause, there are a few home remedies that help the body. If, for example, a reduced blood circulation is the cause, warm foot baths can help. They stimulate the blood circulation so that the nerve is better supplied with nutrients and oxygen.

However, if a foot malposition or generally irritation of the nerve is responsible, cold foot baths can bring some relief. Cold slows down the immune system and the inflammatory reaction that takes place at the nerve. Although not necessarily to be considered a household remedy, weight reduction can bring about an improvement in overweight patients. As a result, there is less weight on the feet and the metatarsus can relax somewhat.

When do I need surgery?

Surgery is the last step in the series of treatment options and is used when conservative treatment methods no longer show any effect. In general, the use of local anesthetics and cortisone will at some point no longer be sufficient to maintain freedom from symptoms. In this case, surgery is recommended, which will result in relative freedom from symptoms for the majority of those affected.

The duration

Morton’s neuroma is a progressive disease. This means that it does not disappear, but tends to progress.Although cortisone injections and a proper equipment with insoles and foot gymnastics can slow down the progress, they cannot stop it. As a rule, the “disease” lasts until the corresponding nerve section is removed during an operation. If the patient decides not to undergo surgery, he or she will have to live with Morton’s neuroma and the more or less severe pain and numbness associated with it for the rest of his or her life.