How to correct an overbite? | The fixed braces

How to correct an overbite?

In the majority of cases, an overbite results from an enlarged front tooth step, the so-called overjet, which describes that the lateral distance between upper and lower front teeth is too large. As a result, the upper teeth appear too large, for example like “rabbit teeth” and are usually tilted forward. Learn more about this under: Jaw malposition This malformation is caused by the fact that the upper jaw is too small or the teeth are too large.An overbite is often corrected by pulling two teeth in the upper jaw to create more space.

These are premolars (i.e. the 4th and 5th teeth counted from the center), one on each side of which is removed. The remaining teeth are then pulled into the gap, thus reducing the anterior step and making the overbite disappear. For patients who are growing, the treatment is easier, since the upper jaw can be stimulated to grow in advance with an active plate, a loose brace.

In some cases, this procedure combined with a fixed brace, which transfers all teeth into a straight, gapless position, is already sufficient to achieve a satisfactory result. In adults, the stimulation of growth is no longer possible because the growth is already completed. In this case a combined orthodontic and oral surgery therapy or the removal of teeth is necessary to correct the overbite.