Thyroid Cancer (Thyroid Carcinoma): Classification

Classification of thyroid carcinoma by histologic features.

Carcinoma type Relative frequency Metastasis Prognosis Special features
Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). 50-60%, increasing trend lymphogenic (“on the lymphatic pathway”) 5-year survival rate: 80-90%. Thyroglobulin (tumor marker; detection after thyroidectomy is indicative of metastases/ daughter tumors)
Follicular thyroid carcinoma 20-30 % Hematogenous (“in the bloodstream”) 5-year survival rate: approximately 80%.
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (C-cell carcinoma, MTC). approx. 5-10 % lymphogenic and hematogenic 5-year survival rate: 60-70%. secretes calcitonin

75% of MTC are sporadic and 25% are hereditary in the setting of multiple endocrine neoplasms (MEN 2a, MEN 2b, familial MTC)

Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma). 1-5 % lymphogenic and hematogenic Poor: median survival 6 months

Note: The 4th edition of the WHO classification of thyroid tumors includes for the first time a group of (encapsulated) follicular tumors with uncertain/low malignancy potential (“potential of malignancy”). These are no longer referred to as carcinomas, but simply as tumors or neoplasms (neoplasms). This is the “non-invasive follicular neoplasia with PTC-equivalent nuclei (NIFTP)”.

TNM classification

T classification for papillary, follicular and medullary carcinoma.

T Spread of the tumor
T1 <2 cm, limited to the thyroid gland
T2 2-4 cm, limited to the thyroid gland
T3 > 4 cm, spread minimally beyond the thyroid gland
T4a Spread beyond thyroid gland to larynx, trachea, nerves, subcutis, etc.
T4b Spread beyond thyroid gland into prevertebral fascia, mediastinal vessels

T classification for anaplastic carcinoma.

T Spread of the tumor
T4 All propagation forms

All forms

N Lymph node metastases
N0 No lymph node metastases
N1 Regional lymph node metastases
N1a Cervical lymph node involvement
N1b Lateral mediastinal lymph node involvement.
M Metastases
M0 No metastases
M1 Distant metastases

TNM classification for staging

Stage T N M
I T1 N0 M0
II T2 N0 M0
III T3 N0 M0
T1-3 N1a M0
IVA T1-3 N1b M0
T4a N0-1b M1
IVB T4b N0-1b M0
T1-4b N0-1b M1

Papillary/follicular thyroid carcinoma in persons <45 years of age

Stage T N M
I T1-4b N0-1b M0
II T1-4b N0-1b M1

Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma

Stage T N M
IV T1-4b N0-1b M0-M1