Tingling in your arm | Left arm pain – What do I have?

Tingling in your arm

Pain in the area of the left arm accompanied by a pronounced tingling sensation may indicate the presence of the so-called cervicobrachial syndrome. This disease is usually caused by irritation of the nerve root. In cases of pain and tingling in the left arm, the cause of the nerve root irritation can usually be found in the cervical spine.

Typical changes that can restrict the function of the individual nerve fibers are vertebral arthritis and herniated discs in the cervical spine. The segments of the C5/6, C6/7 and C7/8 cervical vertebrae are particularly frequently affected. Sustained compression of the nerve root can lead to permanent motor deficits in addition to pain in the left arm and tingling. For this reason, affected patients should always consult a specialist in good time to clarify the cause of the complaints. Consequential damage can often be avoided by quickly initiating appropriate treatment.


Pain in the limbs, for example in the form of pain in the left arm, is one of the most common complaints leading to a visit to the family doctor. The causes of these complaints can range from a simple cold to serious diseases of the nervous system. Typically, pain in the limbs that can be traced back to a cold never occurs in isolation in one limb.

Rather, patients with a cold or flu-like infection experience pain in the left arm and other extremities. In addition, the pain in the limbs typical of a cold usually occurs acutely, i.e. shortly before further symptoms appear. Pain in the left arm, which lasts for weeks, is usually caused by another underlying disease. In the case of infections caused by bacterial or viral pathogens, for example a cold, other symptoms occur in addition to the aching limbs.Most of the affected patients also describe the presence of headaches, fever and fatigue.