Achondroplasia: Symptoms, causes

Brief overview Symptoms: reduced growth in the length of the upper arm and thigh bones, enlarged skull, deformation of the spine Causes: Premature ossification of the cartilage cells formed in the growth plates, as a result of which length growth comes to a standstill Diagnosis: suspected diagnosis based on typical symptoms, confirmed by genetic analysis … Achondroplasia: Symptoms, causes

Platyspondyly: Causes, Treatment & Help

Platyspondyly is a generalized vetebra plana and thus corresponds to the reduction in height of vertebral bodies, as it can be acquired or congenital. The acquired form is usually due to herniated discs or tumors, and the congenital form is usually due to dysplasia. Therapy is often conservative using a brace. What is platyspondyly? The … Platyspondyly: Causes, Treatment & Help

Chondroblast: Structure, Function & Diseases

Chondroblasts are precursor cells of chondrocytes and form the extracellular matrix of cartilage tissue. During the process, they find themselves isolated from their neighboring cells in a lacuna and at that moment become the cartilage cells chondrocytes. The best known disease related to cartilage tissue is degenerative osteoarthritis. What is a chondroblast? In Greek, “chondros” … Chondroblast: Structure, Function & Diseases

Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type Sheffield: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chondrodysplasia punctata type Sheffield represents a genetically determined form of skeletal dysplasia. It is characterized by calcifications of the feet and hands and facial abnormalities. It is a mild disease of the chondrodysplasia type. What is chondrodysplasia punctata type Sheffield? Chondrodysplasia punctata type Sheffield is one of the chondrodysplasias characterized by changes in cartilage tissue. … Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type Sheffield: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment